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ph. 777 Carolyn Dickens, 76, was sitting at her dining room table, struggling to catch her breath as her physician looked on with concern. “What’s going on with your breathing?” asked Peter Gliatto, director of Mount Sinai’s Visiting Doctors Program. “I don’t know,” she answered, so softly it was hard to hear. “Going from here to the bathroom or the door, I get really winded. I don’t know when it’s going to be my last breath.” Dickens, a lung cancer survivor, lives in central Harlem, barely getting by. She has serious lung disease and high blood pressure and suffers regular fainting spells. In the past year, she’s fallen several times and dropped to 85 pounds, a dangerously low weight. And she lives alone, without any help — a highly perilous situation. Across the country, about 2 million adults 65 and older are completely or mostly homebound, while an additional 5.5 million seniors can get out only with significant difficulty or assistance. This is almost surely an undercount, since the data is from more than a dozen years ago. It’s a population whose numbers far exceed those living in nursing homes — about 1.2 million — and yet it receives much less attention from policymakers, legislators, and academics who study aging. Consider some eye-opening statistics about completely homebound seniors from a study published in 2020 in JAMA Internal Medicine: Nearly 40 percent have five or more chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Almost 30 percent are believed to have “probable dementia.” Seventy-seven percent have difficulty with at least one daily task such as bathing or dressing. Almost 40 percent live by themselves. That “on my own” status magnifies these individuals’ already considerable vulnerability, something that became acutely obvious during the COVID-19 outbreak, when the number of sick and disabled seniors confined to their homes doubled. “People who are homebound, like other individuals who are seriously ill, rely on other people for so much,” said Katherine Ornstein, director of the Center for Equity in Aging at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. “If they don’t have someone there with them, they’re at risk of not having food, not having access to health care, not living in a safe environment.” Research has shown that older homebound adults are less likely to receive regular primary care than other seniors. They’re also more likely to end up in the hospital with medical crises that might have been prevented if someone had been checking on them. To better understand the experiences of these seniors, I accompanied Gliatto on some home visits in New York City. Mount Sinai’s Visiting Doctors Program, established in 1995, is one of the oldest in the nation. Only 12 percent of older U.S. adults who rarely or never leave home have access to this kind of home-based primary care. Gliatto and his staff — seven part-time doctors, three nurse practitioners, two nurses, two social workers, and three administrative staffers — serve about 1,000 patients in Manhattan each year. These patients have complicated needs and require high levels of assistance. In recent years, Gliatto has had to cut staff as Mount Sinai has reduced its financial contribution to the program. It doesn’t turn a profit, because reimbursement for services is low and expenses are high. First, Gliatto stopped in to see Sandra Pettway, 79, who never married or had children and has lived by herself in a two-bedroom Harlem apartment for 30 years. Pettway has severe spinal problems and back pain, as well as Type 2 diabetes and depression. She has difficulty moving around and rarely leaves her apartment. “Since the pandemic, it’s been awfully lonely,” she told me. When I asked who checks in on her, Pettway mentioned her next-door neighbor. There’s no one else she sees regularly. Pettway told the doctor she was increasingly apprehensive about an upcoming spinal surgery. He reassured her that Medicare would cover in-home nursing care, aides, and physical therapy services. “Someone will be with you, at least for six weeks,” he said. Left unsaid: Afterward, she would be on her own. (The surgery in April went well, Gliatto reported later.) The doctor listened carefully as Pettway talked about her memory lapses. “I can remember when I was a year old, but I can’t remember 10 minutes ago,” she said. He told her that he thought she was managing well but that he would arrange testing if there was further evidence of cognitive decline. For now, he said, he’s not particularly worried about her ability to manage on her own. ‘A fear of falling’ Several blocks away, Gliatto visited Dickens, who has lived in her one-bedroom Harlem apartment for 31 years. Dickens told me she hasn’t seen other people regularly since her sister, who used to help her out, had a stroke. Most of the neighbors she knew well have died. Her only other close relative is a niece in the Bronx whom she sees about once a month. Dickens worked with special-education students for decades in New York City’s public schools. Now she lives on a small pension and Social Security — too much to qualify for Medicaid. (Medicaid, the program for low-income people, will pay for aides in the home. Medicare, which covers people over age 65, does not.) Like Pettway, she has only a small fixed income, so she can’t afford in-home help. Every Friday, God’s Love We Deliver, an organization that prepares medically tailored meals for sick people, delivers a week’s worth of frozen breakfasts and dinners that Dickens reheats in the microwave. She almost never goes out. When she has energy, she tries to do a bit of cleaning. Without the ongoing attention from Gliatto, Dickens doesn’t know what she’d do. “Having to get up and go out, you know, putting on your clothes, it’s a task,” she said. “And I have the fear of falling.” Bruce Leff, director of the Center for Transformative Geriatric Research at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, is a leading advocate of home-based medical care. “It’s kind of amazing how people find ways to get by,” he said when I asked him about homebound older adults who live alone. “There’s a significant degree of frailty and vulnerability, but there is also substantial resilience.” With the rapid expansion of the aging population in the years ahead, Leff is convinced that more kinds of care will move into the home, everything from rehab services to palliative care to hospital-level services. “It will simply be impossible to build enough hospitals and health facilities to meet the demand from an aging population,” he said. But that will be challenging for homebound older adults who are on their own. Without on-site family caregivers, there may be no one around to help manage this home-based care.

    PM looks to ‘brighter future’ at Christmas and ‘wishes for peace in Middle East’EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) — Malik Nabers said calling the New York Giants “soft” after Sunday’s embarrassing loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was a mistake, although the star rookie receiver still plans to speak out when he thinks it’s necessary. After talking with coach Brian Daboll and general manager Joe Schoen and watching video of , Nabers said Tuesday that “soft” was a poor choice of words. “I don’t think it was really soft. I think it was just a lack of technique,” Nabers said. “We were playing our butts off, we just lacked technique.” The Giants (2-9) trailed 23-0 at halftime and had run only 19 plays on offense. Nabers was not targeted in first the half but still finished with a team-high six catches for 64 yards. The No. 6 overall pick in the draft, Nabers said his rant after the game — in which he said the Giants’ quarterbacks weren’t to blame for the team’s poor performance — was just the competitor in him talking. “That’s just how I’m wired. That’s just who I am,” he said. “I just don’t like losing. If I feel like if I had an opportunity to help the team win, I’m going to express that.” Nabers said not being targeted in the opening half was tough because his body is prepared to play and not doing anything throws him off his game. “You’re not getting involved early, then you’re not getting the feel of the ball, you’re not getting hit,” Nabers said. “After football plays as an offense, after you get hit, you’re like, ‘All right, I’m ready to go.’” Nabers has a team-high 67 catches, the most by a player in his first nine NFL games. He said he sees himself as a resource, someone who can change the game for the Giants. “I’m not going to just sit back just because I’m a younger guy and not speak on how I feel,” Nabers said. “They want me to speak up. They feel like my energy helps the offense, in a way, to be explosive. So, of course, I’m going to speak up if something doesn’t go my way. That’s just how I am.” ___ AP NFL:

    From Pride employee resource groups to a recurring wave of rainbow logos each June, LGBTQ+-friendly workplaces can feel more like the rule than the exception in 2024. Yet, while corporate leaders pat themselves on the back, many queer employees across Canada are still quietly navigating challenging workplace dynamics tied to their sexual orientations and gender identities. For these employees, true equity and inclusivity goes beyond gender-neutral bathrooms and company-sponsored Pride events. It means addressing deeper, often overlooked issues that remain largely invisible to those outside the LGBTQ+ community. It’s an issue that Nate Shalev, an inclusivity speaker and adviser based in Brooklyn, N.Y., feels strongly about. They posted about some of those barriers in a LinkedIn post, where they are ranked as one of the U.S. and Canada’s Top LGBTQIA+ Voices. “When I was told I would have to travel for work, my immediate reaction would be panic,” they wrote. “I was concerned about booking travel with my legal name and risking my team calling me by a name I no longer use, getting through TSA as a trans person with my dignity intact ... [and] navigating queer and transphobia at hotels or in taxis, or anywhere, in front of my co-workers.” Through their consultancy, Revel Impact, Shalev draws on past experiences with “really bad bosses” to help build more inclusive workplaces, educating companies on the barriers their LGBTQ+ team members may be facing – on top of simply getting their jobs done. Barriers like: “Is the conference you asked me to go to safe? What about that client meeting? The whole team is going for a happy hour, but this bar isn’t LGBTQ-friendly. Should I leave? Would that make me look like I wasn’t a part of the team?” Shalev says these sorts of concerns are routinely dismissed or there’s no clear channel through which to handle them since they don’t rise to a legal level of discrimination, despite having negative affects. While most organizations in North America have anti-discrimination policies in place, Ottawa-based talent and brand specialist Lindsay Moorcroft says that doesn’t necessarily mean those policies are sufficient. “Unless you’re building your programs and policies with the [affected] people in the room, there’s always the possibility for something to be forgotten,” Moorcroft says, reflecting on a previous job at a small startup where she was the only out queer employee. “Pronouns weren’t being asked in meetings. They weren’t shared in e-mail signatures. There was no option to even talk about that. So then it’s like, do I want to be the person who brings it up?” she says. For Kaitlin Geiger-Bardswich, a communications and advocacy director in Ottawa, the risk of speaking up paid off. Although she works for a national non-profit she calls “progressive” and “feminist,” bereavement leave didn’t include pregnancy loss until she advocated for it after experiencing a miscarriage herself. “Even if it’s not a miscarriage, when a fertility treatment doesn’t work, when an embryo transfer doesn’t work, there is that grief,” she says. Fertility issues aren’t specific to the LGBTQ+ community, but “gay couples, by definition, typically need to access fertility treatment of some kind,” as Geiger-Bardswich says. “So it’s more likely that if you have gay employees who are interested in parenting, they’re going to have to navigate this.” According to Fertility Matters Canada , more than half of Canadian employers don’t provide fertility benefits, including drugs and treatment costs. And only seven provinces provide public funding to cover partial costs of fertility treatment. In Geiger-Bardswich’s case, she and her wife relied on limited OHIP coverage when trying to conceive, while paying thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for medication and donor sperm. She says she was grateful to have flexibility in her work hours, which made it easier to attend doctor’s appointments throughout the in-vitro fertilization process without fear of repercussions. Flexible work arrangements, including remote work, can also benefit transgender employees who are transitioning or who are repeatedly misgendered at the office, says Shalev. Geiger-Bardswich notes that as anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric increases around the world, it adds another layer of concern for queer Canadians. She points to Italy’s push to remove non-biological parents from birth certificates as an example. “I hope that’s not going to happen in Canada,” she says. “But with how things are happening around the world, there is nervousness around the legal benefits and legal situations for parents like us.” So, what can workplaces do to achieve real, meaningful inclusivity? Shalev says it’s about taking a pro-active, rather than reactive, approach. This could look like ensuring there’s space for preferred names on all applications, forms and other communications. Before international trips, a systematic pretravel questionnaire might allow queer employees to request extra security, a travel companion, a NEXUS membership or a car service to make the experience safer and smoother, Shalev says. “It doesn’t have to feel complicated. Actively create spaces for these conversations to happen. Ask folks what they need,” says Shalev, noting that this has been more difficult in recent years with LGBTQ+ issues growing increasingly politicized. “Because queer issues have been politicized so much, there’s this sense that it’s a taboo topic. That’s a big shift I’ve seen, versus it just being inclusion work and wanting to support colleagues. Trans folks aren’t politics. We’re people.” One organization that appears to be embracing a pro-active approach is Moorcroft’s current employer, ecobee, a home automation company headquartered in Toronto. The company’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) offerings include an LGBTQ+ allyship group, a private social channel for LGBTQ+ employees and a policy-focused working group. Most importantly, Moorcroft says, a variety of voices are in these rooms alongside her, including those of senior leadership. “DEI means nothing if the top of the company is not supporting it, and it’s not in their [budget],” she says. Every organization has different needs and resources, which is why Shalev says, “It’s not one-size-fits-all.” Pride at Work Canada and Great Place to Work provide toolkits for organizations looking to improve inclusion, with strategies ranging from collecting data on employee demographics to administering queer mentorship programs. While certain measures may seem niche, “LGBTQ+ inclusion benefits us all,” Shalev says. “When I do workshops, of course I know there are other queer folks in the room. But then there are the parents of trans kids, or somebody with a partner who’s trans. Our workplaces are microcosms of our larger society, and if we create better workplaces, we can also create better communities and [and better] worlds.” Interested in more perspectives about women in the workplace? Find all stories on The Globe Women’s Collective hub here , and subscribe to the new Women and Work newsletter here . Have feedback? E-mail us at [email protected] .

    Krispy Kreme Declares Quarterly DividendWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday offered a $5 million reward for information about an alleged scheme in which North Korean technology workers got jobs at unsuspecting U.S. companies then stole their trade secrets for ransom, with the proceeds used to fund Pyongyang's weapons programs. The U.S. State Department said about 130 North Korean workers got IT jobs at U.S. companies and nonprofits from 2017 to 2023 and generated at least $88 million that Pyongyang used for weapons of mass destruction. Part of the total was the workers' compensation from the employers, which ultimately went to the North Korean government, the U.S. said. The companies were not identified. The North Korea mission to the United Nations in New York did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The State Department said in a statement it sought information on two sanctioned North Korean companies -- China-based Yanbian Silverstar Network Technology and Russia-based Volasys Silverstar -- that it said handled the workers. The U.S. Department of Justice separately on Thursday announced indictments of 14 North Koreans accused of operating and working for the two companies as part of the scheme. Operating from either China or Russia, the workers stole sensitive company information, including proprietary source computer code, and threatened to leak it unless the employer made an extortion payment, the government said. The 14 people were charged with wire fraud, money laundering and identity theft among other offenses. "To prop up its brutal regime, the North Korean government directs IT workers to gain employment through fraud, steal sensitive information from U.S. companies and siphon money back to the DPRK," Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement, using an acronym for the North Korean state. The people and their unnamed associates used the stolen identities of hundreds of Americans to get hired under the scheme, the government said. People in the U.S. aided the scheme by purchasing laptops or receiving laptops from U.S. employers for the fraudulent workers. The Justice Department has obtained indictments of Americans accused of operating so-called laptop farms in recent months. One North Korean IT defector told Reuters in November 2023 that he would try to get hired and then create additional fake social media profiles to secure more jobs. (Reporting by Susan Heavey and AJ Vicens; editing by Costas Pitas)PM looks to ‘brighter future’ at Christmas and ‘wishes for peace in Middle East’

    As It Happens 5:07 Bear cub snatched from a tree to pose for photos is free at last, and doing well A bear cub who was hauled out of a tree and separated from her family in April is now back in the wild and doing just fine, say North Carolina wildlife officials. The cub, who earned the nickname "Selfie Bear" on social media, made headlines in the spring when the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission released a video of people pulling her from a tree and posing for photos with her in Asheville, N.C. As a result, the frightened bear was separated from her sibling and likely her mother, and ended up in the care of wildlife rehabilitators for six months. "I's kind of a classic case of what not to do," North Carolina wildlife biologist Ashley Hobbs told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. "Never touch wildlife. Never approach wildlife. Give wildlife space." 'Put it back! It's scared!' The video, filmed by concerned bystanders, shows six people, a mix of adults and young people, standing near a fence outside an apartment complex. On the other side of the fence are two baby black bears, perched in a tree. The group is seen trying to pull the struggling bears out of the tree. A young woman manages to grab ahold of one of them long enough to pose for a picture with it, before dropping it. The bear, unable to get back over the fence to its sibling, scurries away in a fright. The people filming the video can be heard shouting, "Put it back! It's scared!" None of the people in the video have been publicly identified, and CBC could not reach them for comment. WATCH | 'Selfie Bear' released into the wild: The bystanders who shot the footage reported the incident to police. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission officers headed to the scene and found the cub in a nearby retention pond. "It was definitely shivering, probably because it was wet. Very scared, as most bear cubs are when they're in those sorts of situations," Hobbs said. "But otherwise, it looked to be in good health." The two cubs, she said, were most likely siblings waiting for their mother to return. "Bears will emerge around April, and at that time, you know, the cubs are still small. They might still struggle to keep up with mom as she is out foraging and moving around on tough landscape," she said. "So it's not uncommon for female bears to stash their cubs in a tree or some other safe spot that she finds along the way, and then she can go and forage and then come back." Sightings of deer wearing high-vis jacket raise questions, quips and concerns in B.C. village Why is this veterinary assistant dressed like a fox at work? But without her mother, the little cub was in no shape to be returned to the wild. So she was instead taken to a rehabilitation centre to be cared for until she was ready to go off on her own. To be released back into the wild, Hobbs says, a bear must meet three criteria: Be healthy enough to survive, be old enough to look after itself, and retain a much-needed wariness of humans. "We don't want to release a bear cub into the wild that has become reliant on humans or that sees humans as a source of comfort, so to speak," she said. Selfie Bear, she says, met all three criteria, and was released in October. Footage of her release shows the cub running off into the woods. The officer who released her fires a siren into the air to further scare her off. Wildlife officers have been monitoring her progress via a GPS collar, Hobbs says, and she appears to be doing well. "We do expect it to go on to do things like find a denning spot for the winter and really to follow its instincts and be just like any other wild bear," she said. 'They were remorseful' As for the people who mishandled the cub? Hobbs says she was able to track them down and talk to them. One of the cubs bit one of the people in the video, she said. But it could have been much worse had the mother bear returned to defend her cubs. "There wasn't anything that we could charge them with that would fit what happened in this instance," she said. "However, we did discuss the repercussions. We did explain why it's dangerous for everybody involved." Hobbs, who manages a state program educating people on how to cohabitate with bears, says the conversation was fruitful. "They were remorseful. They kind of didn't realize what could actually come of, you know, handling a bear cub. They were thankful that mom was not around as well," she said. "I like to think that ... it won't happen in the future."Angela Merkel sounds alarm over Elon Musk’s potential power play in Trump’s second term: ‘A huge concern for us’

    🐻 A North Jersey wildlife refuge continues to treat animals injured in wildfires 🐻 Many suffered from burned feet and smoke inhalation 🐻 Donations are being accepted to help with their recovery WEST MILFORD — When the Jennings Creek Wildfire broke out last month, it charred nearly five thousand acres between New York and New Jersey, claimed the life of an 18-year-old New York State Parks employee, evacuated homes, lasted 14 days, and injured wildlife. The Last Resort Rescue and Wildlife Refuge in West Milford, which is located less than two miles from where the blaze broke out, received hundreds of calls in the first week of the fire alone related to wildlife injuries. President and founder, Nancy Warner said the refuge was already strained when the wildfire hit because they had already had an influx of patients suffering from severe dehydration related to the state’s severe drought. When the wildfire broke out, it was mayhem. “Our 24-hour wildlife hotline started to blow up. We did reach out and made contact with the forest fire service that if they came across any injured wildlife to give us a call, and of course, we made some posts on social media so that residents knew where to call if they did see animals taking refuge in their yards or their neighborhoods,” Warner said. Unfortunately, many animals died at the scene due to their horrific injuries, but Warner said they were able to rescue nearly two dozen animals and bring them back to the refuge for treatment. While some have since been released, others remain in the refuge’s care. Most of the animals suffered from severely burned feet as they were running through the fire grounds to escape, or just running around confused. Others suffered from smoke inhalation and respiratory challenges, she said. “We actually had so many with smoke inhalation and burns that all of our incubators and oxygenators were taken up, and they just kept coming in. So, we actually put out a plea and the public responded immediately and overnighted us some more equipment so we were able to meet the need,” Warner said. Most of the patients included foxes, groundhogs, skunks, opossums, squirrels, and more. One patient close to Warner’s heart, who is still in her care, is a groundhog, lovingly nicknamed “Extra Crispy Potato.” The juvenile groundhog was found lying unconscious on her side on the forest floor in the embers, and suffered a very deep burn on her hip that went down to the muscle, Warner said. She’ll remain at the refuge for the remainder of the winter as her wounds heal. “We call groundhogs in wildlife refuge rehab ‘fuzzy potatoes.’ She was an extra crispy potato because she was kind of fried on the side. So, we gave her the nickname of ‘Extra Crispy Potato,” Warner said. The groundhog is doing well, moving around, eating, and her burns are healing nicely. There was also an opossum who suffered from badly burned feet and a skunk that needed oxygen and nebulizer treatments. Even after being treated, many can’t be returned to the wild because there’s nowhere left for them to go. Warner said these animals spent the summer building dens and nests, and filling them with food for the winter. Now, all of that is gone thanks to the wildfire, so releasing them is very challenging. Some animals that typically hibernate for the winter can be released from the refuge to nearby areas in the surrounding forests. They can return to their dens and burrows because they’re not looking for food to survive. They’ll be sleeping. But Warner said other animals that don’t hibernate will stay at the refuge during the winter months and will be released in the spring. Warner has a plea for residents. Thousands of animals lost their homes, shelters, nests, food, and water resources. They are displaced, dehydrated, and confused. So, if residents find wildlife living and resting in their yards, give them a break. Give them some space. Let them rest. Give them water. Be kind and allow them to have a little bit of a rest as they move through. “We operate a 24-hour wildlife hotline. So, if someone sees a wild animal in distress or if they think it might need help, we answer the phone 24 hours a day and we will respond accordingly every time,” Warner said. Anyone who would like to donate money, food or other supplies to help the refuge continue to take care of these injured animals, can do so by visiting the refuge’s Facebook page . Report a correction 👈 | 👉 Contact our newsroom Best holiday desserts from around the world to make this year Gallery Credit: Jen UrsilloNew legislation ties HEAP, EPIC applications

    Recent viral assault video in Kelowna took place over a year ago: RCMP

    Copy link Copied Copy link Copied Subscribe to gift this article Gift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe. Already a subscriber? Login Almost half Australian marriages end in divorce, but most people can’t pay for them. It’s not really the kind of thing most young lawyers cutting their teeth in London spend their days thinking about, but when Jack O’Donnell and Andy O’Connor caught up in 2021 they realised they had grown sick of helping rich people get richer. They officially launched JustFund in January 2022 to provide loans to Australians who are unable to pay for the legal costs associated with their separation or divorce up front. Copy link Copied Copy link Copied Subscribe to gift this article Gift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe. Already a subscriber? Login Follow the topics, people and companies that matter to you. Fetching latest articles

    NoneBy ALANNA DURKIN RICHER WASHINGTON (AP) — One year after the Jan. 6, 2021 , U.S. Capitol attack, Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department was committed to holding accountable all perpetrators “at any level” for “the assault on our democracy.” That bold declaration won’t apply to at least one person: Donald Trump. Special counsel Jack Smith’s move on Monday to abandon the federal election interference case against Trump means jurors will likely never decide whether the president-elect is criminally responsible for his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 campaign. The decision to walk away from the election charges and the separate classified documents case against Trump marks an abrupt end of the Justice Department’s unprecedented legal effort that once threatened his liberty but appears only to have galvanized his supporters. The abandonment of the cases accusing Trump of endangering American democracy and national security does away with the most serious legal threats he was facing as he returns to the White House. It was the culmination of a monthslong defense effort to delay the proceedings at every step and use the criminal allegations to Trump’s political advantage, putting the final word in the hands of voters instead of jurors. “We always knew that the rich and powerful had an advantage, but I don’t think we would have ever believed that somebody could walk away from everything,” said Stephen Saltzburg, a George Washington University law professor and former Justice Department official. “If there ever was a Teflon defendant, that’s Donald Trump.” While prosecutors left the door open to the possibility that federal charges could be re-filed against Trump after he leaves office, that seems unlikely. Meanwhile, Trump’s presidential victory has thrown into question the future of the two state criminal cases against him in New York and Georgia. Trump was supposed to be sentenced on Tuesday after his conviction on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money case , but it’s possible the sentencing could be delayed until after Trump leaves office, and the defense is pushing to dismiss the case altogether. Smith’s team stressed that their decision to abandon the federal cases was not a reflection of the merit of the charges, but an acknowledgement that they could not move forward under longstanding Justice Department policy that says sitting presidents cannot face criminal prosecution. Trump’s presidential victory set “at odds two fundamental and compelling national interests: On the one hand, the Constitution’s requirement that the President must not be unduly encumbered in fulfilling his weighty responsibilities . . . and on the other hand, the Nation’s commitment to the rule of law,” prosecutors wrote in court papers. The move just weeks after Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris underscores the immense personal stake Trump had in the campaign in which he turned his legal woes into a political rallying cry. Trump accused prosecutors of bringing the charges in a bid to keep him out of the White House, and he promised revenge on his perceived enemies if he won a second term. “If Donald J. Trump had lost an election, he may very well have spent the rest of his life in prison,” Vice President-elect JD Vance, wrote in a social media post on Monday. “These prosecutions were always political. Now it’s time to ensure what happened to President Trump never happens in this country again.” After the Jan. 6 attack by Trump supporters that left more than 100 police officers injured, Republican leader Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans who voted to acquit Trump during his Senate impeachment trial said it was up to the justice system to hold Trump accountable. The Jan. 6 case brought last year in Washington alleged an increasingly desperate criminal conspiracy to subvert the will of voters after Trump’s 2020 loss, accusing Trump of using the angry mob of supporters that attacked the Capitol as “a tool” in his campaign to pressure then-Vice President Mike Pence and obstruct the certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory. Hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters — many of whom have said they felt called to Washington by Trump — have pleaded guilty or been convicted by juries of federal charges at the same courthouse where Trump was supposed to stand trial last year. As the trial date neared, officials at the courthouse that sits within view of the Capitol were busy making plans for the crush of reporters expected to cover the historic case. But Trump’s argument that he enjoyed absolute immunity from prosecution quickly tied up the case in appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court. The high court ruled in July that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution , and sent the case back to the trial court to decide which allegations could move forward. But the case was dismissed before the trial court could get a chance to do so. Related Articles National Politics | After delay, Trump signs agreement with Biden White House to begin formal transition handoff National Politics | Rudy Giuliani in a courtroom outburst accuses judge in assets case of being unfair, drawing a rebuke National Politics | With Trump as president, can TikTok in the US survive? National Politics | Surveillance tech advances by Biden could aid in Trump’s promised crackdown on immigration National Politics | Expecting challenges, blue states vow to create ‘firewall’ of abortion protections The other indictment brought in Florida accused Trump of improperly storing at his Mar-a-Lago estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, enlisting aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showing off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map. But U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the case in July on grounds that Smith was illegally appointed . Smith appealed to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, but abandoned that appeal on Monday. Smith’s team said it would continue its fight in the appeals court to revive charges against Trump’s two co-defendants because “no principle of temporary immunity applies to them.” In New York, jurors spent weeks last spring hearing evidence in a state case alleging a Trump scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex. New York prosecutors recently expressed openness to delaying sentencing until after Trump’s second term, while Trump’s lawyers are fighting to have the conviction dismissed altogether. In Georgia, a trial while Trump is in office seems unlikely in a state case charging him and more than a dozen others with conspiring to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state. The case has been on hold since an appeals court agreed to review whether to remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over her romantic relationship with the special prosecutor she had hired to lead the case. Associated Press reporter Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed.


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    Josh Hubbard scored 25 points and Claudell Harris Jr. scored 21 on 6-of-9 shooting as Mississippi State escaped with a 91-84 win against Prairie View A&M on Sunday in Starkville, Miss. Prairie View A&M took a 65-64 lead with 10:38 remaining, but Hubbard and Harris Jr. each scored seven points to power the ensuing 14-1 run that put Mississippi State up for good. Hubbard punctuated the rally with a 3-pointer that made it 78-66 with 5:51 to play. The Bulldogs (8-1) stretched their lead to as many as 13 points in the closing minutes to notch their second straight win. Shawn Jones Jr. added 11 points for Mississippi State, while Michael Nwoko added 10 points and 10 rebounds. RJ Melendez also netted 10 points. The Panthers (1-8) were led by the trio of Nick Anderson (21 points) Tanahj Pettway (20) and Marcel Bryant (19). Pettway drilled 4 of 5 3-pointers and Bryant grabbed seven rebounds. Prairie View A&M got off to a hot start, opening up a 27-12 lead with 10:42 left in the first half. It was a surprising haymaker from the visitors, who entered the game winless in Division I play and faced a Bulldogs team that was ranked last week. Mississippi State eventually found its stride offensively, turning things around with a 32-17 run to tie the game at 44 entering halftime. The Bulldogs shot 50 percent from the field overall in the first half, but only made six of their 17 attempts from 3-point range (35.3 percent). Their defense remained an issue throughout the half, with the Panthers hitting 16 of their 27 shots (59.3 percent) and canning 5 of 8 3-pointers. Neither team led by more than five early in the second half until Mississippi State pulled away. The Bulldogs finished the game shooting 55.6 percent from the floor (30-of-54) and drilled 11 of 26 attempts (42.3 percent) from long range. They outrebounded Prairie View A&M 35-22 and outscored them 31-20 in bench points. The Panthers held a 34-32 advantage in points in the paint and shot 56.4 percent overall for the game, including 52.6 percent (10-of-19) on threes. --Field Level Media

    How to watch NCAA Bowl games 2024/25: live stream college football from anywhere, schedule, kick-off times, TV channelsOusted Syrian leader Assad flees to Moscow after fall of Damascus, Russian state media say DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Russia media say ousted Syrian leader Bashar Assad has fled to Moscow and received asylum from his longtime ally. The reports came hours after a stunning rebel advance swept into Damascus to cheers and ended the Assad family’s 50 years of iron rule. Thousands of Syrians poured into streets echoing with celebratory gunfire, joyful after a stifling, nearly 14-year civil war. But the swiftly moving events raised questions about the future of the country and the wider region. The rebels face the daunting task of healing bitter divisions in a country still split among armed factions. One rebel commander said “we will not deal with people the way the Assad family did." The fall of Bashar Assad after 13 years of war in Syria brings to an end a decades-long dynasty BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian President Bashar Assad has fled the country. Assad’s departure on Sunday brings to a dramatic close his nearly 14-year struggle to hold onto power in a brutal civil war that became a proxy battlefield for regional and international powers. Assad’s exit stood in stark contrast to his first months as Syria’s unlikely president in 2000, when many hoped he would be a young reformer after three decades of his father’s iron grip. But faced with protests of his rule that erupted in March 2011, Assad turned to his father's brutal tactics to crush dissent. A long stalemate was quickly broken when opposition groups in northwest Syria launched a surprise offensive late last month. Who is Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the leader of the insurgency that toppled Syria's Assad? BEIRUT (AP) — Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the militant leader who led the stunning insurgency that toppled Syria’s President Bashar Assad, has spent years working to remake his public image and that of his fighters. He renounced longtime ties to al-Qaida and depicts himself as a champion of pluralism and tolerance. The extent of that transformation from jihadi extremist to would-be state builder is now put to the test. The 42-year-old al-Golani is labeled a terrorist by the United States. He has not appeared publicly since Damascus fell early Sunday. But he and his insurgent force, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, stand to be a major player in whatever comes next. Trump says he can't guarantee tariffs won't raise US prices and won't rule out revenge prosecutions WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump says he can’t guarantee his promised tariffs on key U.S. foreign trade partners won’t raise prices for American consumers. And he's suggesting once more that some political rivals and federal officials who pursued legal cases against him should be imprisoned. The president-elect made the comments in a wide-ranging interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” that aired Sunday. He also touched on monetary policy, immigration, abortion and health care, and U.S. involvement in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere. Trump often mixed declarative statements with caveats, at one point cautioning “things do change.” The hunt for UnitedHealthcare CEO's elusive killer yields new evidence, but few answers NEW YORK (AP) — Police don’t know who he is, where he is, or why he did it. As the frustrating search for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s killer got underway for a fifth day Sunday, investigators reckoned with a tantalizing contradiction: They have troves of evidence, but the shooter remains an enigma. One conclusion they are confident of, however: It was a targeted attack, not a random one. On Sunday morning, police declined to comment on the contents of a backpack found in Central Park that they believe was carried by the killer. Thompson was shot and killed Wednesday outside of a hotel in Manhattan. Trump calls for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and says a US withdrawal from NATO is possible WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is pushing Russian leader Vladimir Putin to act to reach an immediate ceasefire with Ukraine. Trump describes it as part of his active efforts as president-elect to end the war despite being weeks from taking office. Trump also said he would be open to reducing military aid to Ukraine and pulling the United States out of NATO. Those are two threats that have alarmed Ukraine, NATO allies and many in the U.S. national security community. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says any deal would have to pave the way to a lasting peace. The Kremlin's spokesman says Moscow is open to talks with Ukraine. Gaza health officials say latest Israeli airstrikes kill at least 14 including children DEIR AL BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinian health officials say Israeli airstrikes in central Gaza have killed at least 14 people including children, while the bombing of a hospital in northern Gaza has wounded a half-dozen patients. Israel’s military continues its latest offensive against Hamas militants in northern Gaza, whose remaining Palestinians have been almost completely cut off from the rest of the territory amid a growing humanitarian crisis. One airstrike flattened a residential building in the urban Bureij refugee camp Sunday afternoon. That's according to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the nearby city of Deir al-Balah, where the casualties were taken. South Korea's democracy held after a 6-hour power play. What does it say for democracies elsewhere? SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A short-lived martial law decree by South Korea's leader last week raised worries about budding authoritarianism around the world. In the end, though, democracy prevailed. President Yoon Suk Yeol announced that he was declaring martial law and giving his government sweeping powers to crack down on protesters, ban political parties and control the media. Members of the military blocked lawmakers from using the legislature's constitutional power to cancel the power grab. But the National Assembly within hours unanimously voted to do so. Trump's return may be a boon for Netanyahu, but challenges abound in a changed Middle East TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is jubilant about President-elect Donald Trump's return to the White House. Trump's first term policies skewed heavily in favor of Israel, and he has picked stalwart Israel supporters for key positions in his administration. But much has transpired since Trump left office in early 2021. The turmoil in the Middle East, the lofty ambitions of Netanyahu’s far-right governing coalition and Netanyahu’s own personal relationship with the president-elect could dampen that enthusiasm and complicate what on the surface looks like a seamless alliance. First 12-team College Football Playoff set, Oregon seeded No. 1 and SMU edges Alabama for last spot SMU captured the last open spot in the 12-team College Football Playoff, bumping Alabama to land in a bracket that placed undefeated Oregon at No. 1. The selection committee preferred the Mustangs (11-2), losers of a heartbreaker in the Atlantic Coast Conference title game, who had a far less difficult schedule than Alabama (9-3) of the SEC but one fewer loss. The first-of-its-kind 12-team bracket marks a new era for college football, though the Alabama-SMU debate made clear there is no perfect formula. The tournament starts Dec. 20-21 with four first-round games. It concludes Jan. 20 with the national title game in Atlanta., the proud sponsor of the , set the stage ablaze with a stunning display of its cutting-edge agricultural innovations at the IARI Grounds, New Delhi. As a leader in agricultural empowerment, Mahindra Tractors is at the forefront of transforming the farming landscape, bringing groundbreaking solutions to India’s agricultural community. Organized by Krishi Jagran and co-organized by ICAR, this prestigious event celebrates the exceptional achievements of India’s top farmers while highlighting Mahindra’s commitment to driving progress in agriculture. Addressing the gathering, , highlighted Mahindra's six-decade journey of empowering farmers with over 350 tractor variants tailored to diverse soil conditions, supporting over 40 lakh farmers across India. He emphasized the importance of the MFOI Awards, calling the three-day event a platform to connect with farmers, share knowledge, and celebrate agricultural innovation and collaboration. As farmers and visitors arrived at the MFOI Awards 2024, they were welcomed by a striking display of Mahindra Tractors’ advanced models, proudly presented as the event's sponsor. Featuring a diverse range of state-of-the-art tractors, Mahindra emphasized its ongoing legacy of innovation and its pivotal role in supporting the farming community across the country. The Mahindra OJA 2130 Tractor stands out for its high-end specifications and modern design, tailored to enhance productivity while maintaining efficiency. Powered by a 22.4 kW (30 HP) engine, it offers a remarkable power-to-weight ratio, making it ideal for farmers looking for a reliable and economical machine. This tractor excels in vineyard and orchard farming, intercultural operations, and puddling tasks, making it a versatile choice for specialized farming activities. Its compact build allows for precision in narrow spaces. The economical mileage ensures reduced operational costs, making it an and cost-effective option for farmers. Designed for a comfortable driving experience, it minimizes operator fatigue, even during long hours in the field. The Mahindra OJA 3136 Tractor offers robust performance with a 26.8 kW (36 HP) engine, designed for optimal fuel efficiency and adaptability across different terrains. The fuel-efficient engine ensures high performance without compromising on cost-effectiveness. It supports a variety of tasks, from orchard farming to puddling operations. This tractor’s sturdy design and all-round capabilities make it a reliable partner for diverse farming applications. It seamlessly handles challenging terrains while maintaining stability and efficiency. The OJA 3136 is an all-weather companion that ensures superior productivity for small and medium-scale farming needs. The Mahindra 275 DI TU PP Tractor is celebrated for its reliability and rugged construction, which ensures longevity and consistent performance. Equipped with a powerful 39 HP engine, it has become a go-to choice for farmers seeking durable and efficient agricultural machinery. Its advanced transmission system provides smooth gear shifts and optimal torque, ensuring a seamless driving experience. The spacious cabin, ergonomic controls, and intuitive features like 180 Nm PTO power enhance operator comfort and ease of use during extended working hours. Its adaptability to various farming tasks, combined with superior mileage, positions the 275 DI TU PP as a valuable asset for This tractor is perfect for those looking for a balance of power, efficiency, and adaptability. The Mahindra 585 YUVO TECH+ Tractor is equipped with cutting-edge technology, making it a trailblazer in productivity and operational efficiency. With a powerful 36.75 kW (49.3 HP) engine and advanced hydraulics, it is a standout performer in the agricultural sector. Its four-cylinder ELS engine offers high max torque and best-in-class mileage. The hydraulic lifting capacity of 1700 kg ensures seamless performance across various applications. Parallel cooling, smooth constant mesh transmission, and high precision hydraulics reflect its technological edge. Backed by a six-year warranty, it guarantees long-term reliability, providing farmers with peace of mind and exceptional value. The 585 YUVO TECH+ is ideal for farmers who aim to increase productivity and profitability with advanced technology. The Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 Tractor is a powerful machine designed for heavy-duty tasks and precision farming. Its robust 44.8 kW (60 HP) mBoost engine is complemented by advanced features to ensure top-notch performance. With a hydraulic lifting capacity of 2700 kg, it easily handles heavy implements, making it ideal for . Equipped with a dual dry type clutch, synchromesh transmission, and SLIPTO functionality, this tractor provides unmatched efficiency in agricultural operations. Features like heat-free seating, power steering, and a spacious cabin enhance operator comfort and safety during long hours of operation. Farmers looking for durability, precision, and efficiency will find the NOVO 605 DI PP V1 a worthwhile investment. The Mahindra ARJUN 605 DI MS Tractor is another advanced offering from Mahindra, designed to elevate productivity with its 36.3 kW (48.7 HP) engine and advanced features. The high max torque and torque backup make it suitable for a variety of tasks, including PTO-driven and non-agricultural applications. The MSPTO feature provides four different PTO speeds, ensuring compatibility with multiple implements for various operations. With power steering and an 1800 kg hydraulics lifting capacity, it offers both ease of use and robust performance. The ARJUN 605 DI MS Tractor is a dependable choice for farmers aiming to boost productivity and achieve better outcomes in their agricultural endeavors. The Mahindra NOVO 755 DI PP 4WD V1 Tractor is a powerhouse of innovation, combining strength, precision, and . With a 55.1 kW (73.8 HP) engine, it delivers exceptional performance for demanding agricultural tasks. The incorporation of Digisense technology allows farmers to connect to the tractor via smartphone, ensuring enhanced control and real-time monitoring. Features like rollover protection, four-way adjustable seating, and synchromesh gears prioritize both safety and operator comfort. The high hydraulic lifting capacity of 2900 kg, coupled with multiple speed options, makes it suitable for a variety of applications. This model is particularly suited for large-scale farming operations requiring unmatched power and technological sophistication. Mahindra tractors offer a blend of power, innovation, and reliability, catering to the diverse needs of modern farmers. From specialized models like the Mahindra OJA 2130 and 3136 for vineyard and orchard farming to robust machines like the NOVO 755 DI PP 4WD V1 for large-scale operations, Mahindra continues to redefine agricultural efficiency. These tractors are more than just machines; they are partners in progress, empowering farmers to achieve higher productivity and profitability The tractors on display attracted immense attention from farmers and industry professionals alike. Attendees praised Mahindra’s efforts in providing efficient and reliable farming solutions that address the challenges faced by Indian farmers. Mahindra Tractors' impressive showcase at the MFOI Awards 2024 set the stage for an exciting two-day experience, drawing attention to its groundbreaking agricultural innovations. With a diverse range of advanced models on display, Mahindra continues to lead the way in empowering farmers, offering cutting-edge solutions that promise to enhance productivity and efficiency. Visitors over the next two days can explore these state-of-the-art tractors and discover how Mahindra is shaping the future of Indian agriculture.

    York outscored Mount Marty 10-3 to end the game, claiming a 71-67 victory over the Lancers in men’s basketball action on Saturday at Laddie E. Cimpl Arena. Chris Dixon scored 18 points to lead York (3-5). Carl Thorpe Jr. finished with 15 points, eight rebounds and four assists. The Panthers’ other three starters — Rhino Hernandez, Ikechukwu Nwaobi and Andrew Bennett — each had nine points, with Bennett grabbing a team-high 12 rebounds in the victory. Tash Lunday finished with 23 points and 13 rebounds for Mount Marty. Angok Akot posted 20 points and 11 rebounds, a career high in scoring for the redshirt sophomore. “I thought he did a good job of being ready to go tonight,” MMU head coach Collin Authier said of Akot. “He was very efficient and was locked in from the start. He had a tough test on the other end against Andrew Bennett inside, but I thought he did a good job of trying to fight the best he possibly could.” Also for MMU, Brandon Garcia finished with eight points and six assists. Jake Jensen had seven points and four assists. York used a strong start from outside to take the early advantage. The Panthers’ had a run of five three-pointers in six scores to push from a 12-11 deficit to a 28-20 lead. “We just didn't have the right process to start the game,” Authier said. “From the very first possession, we just didn't do what we were supposed to do with the level of intentionality and aggressiveness that we needed to on the defensive end.” On the offensive end, Akot went to work, scoring six straight buckets for the Lancers to keep York from pulling away further. In the second half, it was Lunday’s turn to power the offense, as the junior scored 19 of his game-high 23 points in the second half. “We played through Angok and Tash quite a bit tonight. They were the guys that were efficient and really had it going,” Authier said. “They just found themselves in the right spot at the right time to be able to reap the benefits of guys attacking.” After trailing for a large chunk of the game, MMU pulled ahead 47-46 with 13:39 to play. The teams traded the lead back and forth, with the Lancers leading 64-61 with 6:37 to play. But the Panther defense stepped up down the stretch, holding the Lancers to a Mac Ryken three-pointer with 12 seconds left — MMU’s only made three-pointer of the game — to claim the victory. The setback snapped MMU’s three-game win streak. The Lancers, 6-3, return to action Wednesday with a Great Plains Athletic Conference showdown at Doane. “Doane’s going to be pretty hungry for a conference win, and we haven’t played well in Crete in a while,” Authier said. “We’ve got to have a refresher, remember what got us to the success we’ve had: how consistent you have to be, your intentionality with it, your readiness for it. “We need to play better than we did tonight.” Follow @JCimburek on Threads and BlueSky.Arizona offensive lineman Jonah Savaiinaea declares for the NFL Draft


    Arab Water Council preparatory meeting opens at Dead Sea ahead of 6th Arab water conference


vb777 NoneRams WR Demarcus Robinson not suspended, will play Sunday after arrest on DUI suspicion

    NEW YORK — If you're planning on ringing in the new year quietly at home, you're not alone. A majority of U.S adults intend to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research . “As I’ve gotten older over the last few years, it’s like if I don’t make it to midnight, it’s not a big deal, you know?” says Carla Woods, 70, from Vinton, Iowa. Nearly 2 in 10 will be celebrating at a friend or family member’s home, and just 5% plan to go out to celebrate at a bar, restaurant or organized event, the poll found. But many U.S. adults will celebrate the new year in a different way — by making a resolution. More than half say they'll make at least one resolution for 2025. There's some optimism about the year ahead, although more than half aren't expecting a positive change. About 4 in 10 say 2025 will be a better year for them personally. About one-third don’t expect much of a difference between 2024 and 2025, and about one-quarter think 2025 will be a worse year than 2024. Relaxed New Year's Eve plans for many Kourtney Kershaw, a 32-year-old bartender in Chicago, often fields questions from customers and friends about upcoming events for New Year's Eve. She said this year is trending toward low-key. “A majority of who I’ve spoken to in my age range, they want to go out, but they don’t know what they’re going to do because they haven’t found anything or things are just really expensive,” she said. “Party packages or an entry fee are like a turnoff, especially with the climate of the world and how much things cost.” As expected, younger people are more interested in ringing in the new year at a bar or organized event — about 1 in 10 U.S. adults under 30 say they plan to do that. But about 3 in 10 older adults — 60 and above — say they won’t celebrate the beginning of 2025 at all. Anthony Tremblay, 35, from Pittsburgh, doesn't usually go out to toast the arrival of the new year, but this year he's got something special cooked up: He and his wife will be traveling through Ireland. “I don’t do anything too crazy for New Year’s, usually. So this is definitely a change,” he said. “I wanted to do something unique this year, so I did.” Woods will be working New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. She answers calls on The Iowa Warmline, a confidential, noncrisis listening line for people struggling with mental health or substance use issues. “Holidays are really hard for people, so I don’t mind working,” she said. “I’m passionate about it because I have mental health issues in the family and so being able to help people is rewarding to me.” Younger Americans are more likely to make a resolution Every New Year's also triggers the eternal debate about resolutions. A majority of U.S. adults say they intend to make a New Year’s resolution of some type, but millennials and Gen Z are especially likely to be on board — about two-thirds expect to do so, compared to about half of older adults. Women are also more likely than men to say they will set a goal for 2025. Tremblay hopes to lose some weight and focus more on self-care — more sleep, meditation and breathing exercises. “It’s probably a good year to focus on mental health,” he said. Many others agree. About 3 in 10 adults choose resolutions involving exercise or eating healthier. About one-quarter said they'll make a resolution involving losing weight and a similar number said they'll resolve to make changes about priorities of money or mental health. Woods' resolutions are to stay social and active. As a mental health counselor, she knows those are key to a happy 2025 and beyond: “Probably one of my biggest resolutions is trying to make sure I stay social, try to get out at least once a week — get out and either have coffee or do something with a friend. That’s not only for the physical but also for the mental health part.” Kershaw, the bartender, says weight loss and better health are the top resolutions she hears people make. “Mental health is the new one, but I think it’s high up there as well as with regular health,” she said. She prefers more goal-oriented resolutions and, this time, it's to do more traveling and see more of the world: “I don’t know if that’s really a resolution, but that’s a goal that I’m setting.” And how will she welcome the arrival of 2025? Usually, she takes the night off and stays home watching movies with plenty of snacks, but this year Kershaw has a different plan, maybe one of the most Chicago things you can do. This die-hard sports fan will be at Wrigley Field on Tuesday watching the Chicago Blackhawks take on the St. Louis Blues. “Hockey’s my favorite sport. So I will be watching hockey and bringing in the new year,” she said. ___ The AP-NORC poll of 1,251 adults was conducted Dec. 5-9, 2024, using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for adults overall is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. ___ Sanders reported from Washington.The Government is committed to building a civil service with a strong reputation for excellence, says Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Fayval Williams. Speaking during the Jamaica Civil Service Long Service Awards Ceremony at King's House on Wednesday, Williams said the aim is to achieve “world class service delivery”. “We must constantly strive to improve systems, drive efficiency and think innovatively,” she emphasised, adding that the awardees represented the “very best” of the public sector, who implement best practices across ministries, departments and agencies. “They prioritise co-creation of value and the public good, and governments have been forced to move faster and more efficiently to engage with a diverse and competitive range of stakeholders,” the minister said. Williams pointed out that the public sector continues to evolve with the use of technology, and has embraced the general shift in conducting business, adding that public sector employees have demonstrated their commitment to the transformation process. Jamaica Civil Service Association (JCSA) President, Techa Clarke Griffiths, said the awardees' commitment “has inspired us, and we want to thank them for setting the standard and the bar very high.” “Your longstanding contributions to the nation have not gone unnoticed, and your unwavering service embodies core values and integrity,” she stated. A total of 497 civil servants were recognised for their dedication to the public sector for 25 years and more. Citations presented to them highlighted their sterling contribution and the pivotal role they play in advancing the nation. Follow The Gleaner on X and Instagram @JamaicaGleaner and on Facebook @GleanerJamaica. Send us a message on WhatsApp at 1-876-499-0169 or email us at or .WICHITA, KANSAS (AP) — Sobs of relief broke out in a federal courtroom in Kansas on Monday as dozens of people whose life savings had been embezzled by a bank CEO learned that federal law enforcement had recovered their money. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * WICHITA, KANSAS (AP) — Sobs of relief broke out in a federal courtroom in Kansas on Monday as dozens of people whose life savings had been embezzled by a bank CEO learned that federal law enforcement had recovered their money. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? WICHITA, KANSAS (AP) — Sobs of relief broke out in a federal courtroom in Kansas on Monday as dozens of people whose life savings had been embezzled by a bank CEO learned that federal law enforcement had recovered their money. “I just can’t describe the weight lifted off of us,” said Bart Camilli, 70, who with his wife Cleo had just learned they’d recover close to $450,000 — money Bart began saving at 18 when he bought his first individual retirement account. “It’s life-changing.” In August, former Kansas bank CEO Shan Hanes was sentenced to 24 years after stealing $47 million from customer accounts and wiring the money to cryptocurrency accounts run by scammers. Prosecutors said Hanes also stole $40,000 from his church, $10,000 from an investment club and $60,000 from his daughter’s college fund and lost $1.1 million of his own in the scheme. Deposits were “jettisoned into the ether,” said prosecutor Aaron Smith. Hanes’ Heartland Tri-State Bank, drained of cash, was shut down by federal regulators and sold to another financial institution. Customers’ savings and checking accounts amounting to $47.1 million were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which paid off their losses. But there were still 30 shareholders of the community-owned rural bank Hanes helped found — including his close family friends and neighbors — who thought they lost $8.3 million in investments: well-planned retirements were upended, funds for long-term eldercare gone, education funds and bequests for children and grandchildren zeroed out. On Monday the shareholders stood to cheer federal Judge John W. Broomes in Wichita after he told them, one at a time, that they’d be paid back in full. The FBI recovered the funds from a cryptocurrency account held by Tether Ltd. During an earlier sentencing hearing, these victims had called Hanes a “deceitful cheat and a liar,” and “pure evil.” Margaret Grice came to court Monday figuring she’d get $1,000 back. Instead, she learned she’d be recovering almost $250,000, her entire 401(k). “I’m just really thrilled,” she said. “I can breathe.” Prosecutors said Hanes, who was the CEO of Heartland Tri-State Bank in Elkhart, Kansas, lost the money in a scam referred to as “pig butchering,” or the way pigs are fattened before slaughter. In the scam, a third party gains a victims’ trust and, over time, convinces them to invest all of their money into cryptocurrency, which immediately disappears. U.S. and U.N. officials say these schemes are proliferating, with scammers largely in Southeast Asia increasingly taking advantage of Americans. Hanes started buying what he thought was $5,000 in cryptocurrency in late 2022, communicating with someone who had reached out on WhatsApp, according to court records. A few months later he transferred over his church and investment club funds. Records show the scam accelerated in the summer of 2023, when Hanes wired $47.1 million out of customer accounts in 11 wire transfers over just eight weeks. Each transfer, he thought, was necessary to end the investment and cash out, court records said. He watched, on a fake website, as the money appeared to grow to more than $200 million. “He was to take some of the money, and the rest of the money was supposed to go back to the bank,” his attorney John Stang explained. “Now it’s fiction, it didn’t exist. We all know that now ... It failed big time.” Hanes, who was not in court Monday, apologized at an earlier sentencing hearing. “From the deepest depth of my soul, I had no intention of ever causing the harm that I did,” he said. ”I’ll forever struggle to understand how I was duped and how what I thought was just getting the money back was making it worse.” Prosecutors said Hanes wasn’t just the victim of a scam, he crossed a line when he began taking customers’ money and violating banking regulations. He pleaded guilty to embezzlement by a bank officer in May. His prominent standing in his hometown of 2,000 made it easier for him to get away with it, a Federal Reserve System investigation found; he had been on the school board, volunteered as a swim meet official, and served on the Kansas Bankers Association. He also was a banking leader beyond his rural community. In recent years, he testified to Congressional committees about the importance of local banks in farming communities, and he served as a director for the American Bankers Association, which represents almost all banking assets in the U.S. On Monday, prosecutors said the FDIC wanted to be paid back for the insurance claims it reimbursed to bank customers. But Judge Broomes said the economic circumstances of shareholders “who became insolvent because of a fraud scheme” justified paying them back first, before the FDIC recovers anything. Winnipeg Jets Game Days On Winnipeg Jets game days, hockey writers Mike McIntyre and Ken Wiebe send news, notes and quotes from the morning skate, as well as injury updates and lineup decisions. Arrives a few hours prior to puck drop. Hanes, 53, may be in his late 70s when he is released and is unlikely to be able to pay the FDIC the $47.1 million still owed. In a court filing, Hanes and his attorney tried to explain what had happened. “Mr. Hanes made some very bad choices after being caught up in an extremely well-run cryptocurrency scam,” they said. “He was the pig that was butchered.” ___ This story was first published on Nov. 4, 2024. It was updated on Nov. 22, 2024, to make clear that the U.S. attorney’s office said it is not asserting that the cryptocurrency account from which the FBI recovered the funds had ties to any specific location or country. Advertisement Advertisement

    Rams WR Demarcus Robinson not suspended, will play Sunday after arrest on DUI suspicion

    As we transition to warmer weather in the austral summer, many changes take place. Domestic dogs and cats may shed winter coats. Fish such as bass and trout prepare fat reserves for migrations to deeper waters. And social insect queens emerge from hibernation in search of a place to start their nests. Most people won't be surprised that bumble bees and ground-nesting wasp colonies have queens. What is surprising, though, is that those big bees and wasps we see in the spring are the queens - not the workers - building their nests all on their own. Bumble bees and yellowjacket wasps typically nest in the ground (though you might see some nesting in trees or buildings). To locate the perfect nest site, both species search for abandoned rodent holes (the perfect cosy size to insulate a big queen and a small nest). After they find their spot, the queens forage and defend their young from the perils of life as an insect - predators, pesticides and pathogens. If the queen can't find a nest site and gather enough resources, or perishes before workers emerge, the colony will fail before it even gets started. Life of the larvae Like butterflies, wasps and bees start life as helpless larvae. Wasp and bee larvae are essentially big stomachs with a mouth. They have no legs, and are stuck in place until they're grown. Larvae rely entirely on older generations to survive. Wasps collect pulp to smooth into hexagonal paper cells (similar to the inside of a honey bee nest) where the defenceless larvae will grow. They usually collect this pulp from untreated wood - the wasp that landed next to you on the park bench is just gathering building materials. She won't take much, and she won't stay long. Bumble bees produce wax that they mould into honey pots (to store food) and balls (where they nestle their eggs). The bees need enough nutrition to produce this wax, which they'll get from the flowers in your garden. Wasp larvae are primarily carnivorous, getting protein from live prey or carrion. Bees get protein from floral resources like pollen, although adults of both species feed on nectar. After a few weeks, larvae will spin silken cocoons and pupate (just like butterflies). This is a chance for the queens to take a break from feeding those hungry larvae (which are insatiable before they pupate), and focus on raising more young. The queens still continue foraging, though - no one is coming to feed them until their daughters are adults. Once the offspring emerge from their pupae as adults, they won't leave the nest just yet. They will need a day (at least) just for their exoskeleton (their body and wings) to harden. Until the exoskeleton is set, bees and wasps can't fly to forage, or sting to defend. They also need time to develop a circadian rhythm. This ensures when they emerge from the underground nest, they do so when it's light outside (wasps and bees don't forage too well in the dark). Division of labour We are now nearing the end of spring in Aotearoa. There are still a few queen wasps and bumble bees flying around, but we are also starting to see small foragers. These are the "first cohort" of workers. The queen - who did all the chores on her own - was limited in terms of what she could feed her young. In early spring, food might be scarce. Once the first cohort of workers emerge, things outside and inside the nest begin to shift. Floral resources and insect prey numbers increase - meaning foragers have an easier time finding food. Because workers are foraging, the queen can remain in the nest where she primarily lays eggs and incubates her developing brood. Workers also subdivide the chores in the nest. Some will forage for protein, some for sugar, and others (like wasps) will forage for nest material or water. Some workers might remain in the nest to keep the temperature and humidity constant, others might remain in the nest to watch for invaders or predators. Queen bumble bees and yellowjackets only live for about one year. They emerge as adults in autumn, mate, then hibernate over the winter months. After emerging from hibernation in spring, they start a new colony on their own and watch as it grows to hundreds (bumble bees) or thousands (yellowjackets) of workers. At some point, the queen will stop laying eggs. She'll often leave the nest on her own when she knows her time is up. The workers will make sure the larvae in the nest are raised as new queens, and the cycle starts anew. Among royalty In the North Island, there have been a number of "frighteningly large" perennial yellowjacket nests reported. As our climate changes, warming temperatures may extend the season of social wasp nests, leading to more of these large nests. Although the original queen dies, the new queens may choose to join an established nest of workers and take over as the new queen (skipping that period of hibernation). Yellowjacket wasps sometimes receive a bad rap, particularly due to their very effective nest defence strategies, with the potential to butt heads with gardeners. But wasps - just like bees and butterflies - are important pollinators in our floral ecosystems, and also help keep annoying pest bug populations down. So, if you've noticed the huge wasps and bumble bees flying around this spring, just remember - you're among royalty. *Jennifer Jandt is Senior Lecturer in Ecology, University of Otago; Connal McLean is Natural History Technician - Invertebrates. * This story was first published on The Conversation

    I visited UK’s strictest pub... there’s a no phone policy & coats go on a hook – but one rule went too farVenlo, the Netherlands, Nov. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- QIAGEN (NYSE: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) today announced the launch of two new tools for designing and ordering custom solutions that can be used to support microbial analysis of bacterial, fungal and viral targets. These new tools enable researchers to customize their assays and panels for use on the QIAcuity digital PCR system as well as on any third-party next-generation sequencing (NGS) system. They also build on more than 700 digital PCR assays that are currently available for microbial targets through the GeneGlobe platform at . The new products make nanoplate digital PCR (dPCR) suitable for even more microbial targets in applications ranging from wastewater testing to food production to analysis of human pathogens. With nanoplate dPCR, rare targets in low-biomass samples with high levels of PCR inhibitors can be measured without a standard curve and with high accuracy and precision. “The demands for microbial detection, tracking and scientific research can be extremely specialized. Reliable and accurate tools that can be customized give scientists the flexibility they need to outpace pathogens and accelerate the tempo of discovery,” said Nitin Sood, Senior Vice President and head of QIAGEN’s Life Sciences Business Area. “With the launch of our design tool for Custom dPCR Microbial Assays and the new QIAseq xHXB panels, we are addressing the demands of our customers. QIAGEN will continue to expand our offering of accurate, reliable and easy-to-use solutions.” The new tools are: Design tool for Custom dPCR Microbial Assays – The first-of-its-kind custom assay design tool enables users to design primers and probes for their specific microbial targets of interest and is tailored specifically for bacterial, fungal and viral targets. The design tool software is powered by a sophisticated and thoroughly tested algorithm developed specifically for microbial applications. Researchers can benefit from a user-friendly and intuitive tool that helps them quickly obtain custom assays with optimal sensitivity, specificity and accurate off-target prediction. QIAseq xHYB Custom Microbial Panels – Customers can completely design their own NGS panels, overcoming limitations of panels offered by other vendors, which are designed against a few genomes of a given target and thereby often cause large gaps in coverage. The QIAseq xHYB Custom Microbial Panels advanced algorithm enables researchers to design their assays against many whole genomes at once, allowing them to achieve the highest possible resolution in applications such as microbial detection. QIAGEN continues to expand its portfolio dPCR assays, supporting laboratories to increase their detection capabilities and improve their results. In September, the company added over 100 new validated QIAcuity digital PCR assays for cancer research, inherited genetic disorders, infectious disease surveillance, and other applications. These newly launched cancer and microbial assays meet the level of quality, multiplexing capabilities, customization, precision and sensitivity associated with all QIAcuity products. Customizable digital PCR assays and the customizable panels and assays are now available on QIAGEN’s GeneGlobe web portal ( ), which integrates pre-designed assays with a database of more than 10,000 biological entities including genes, miRNAs and pathways. About QIAGEN QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands-based holding company, is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable molecular insights from samples containing the building blocks of life. Our sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective workflows. QIAGEN provides solutions to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare) and Life Sciences (academia, pharma R&D and industrial applications, primarily forensics). As of September 30, 2024, QIAGEN employed more than 5,800 people in over 35 locations worldwide. Further information can be found at . Forward-Looking Statement Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. To the extent that any of the statements contained herein relating to QIAGEN's products, timing for launch and development, marketing and/or regulatory approvals, financial and operational outlook, growth and expansion, collaborations, markets, strategy or operating results, including without limitation its expected adjusted net sales and adjusted diluted earnings results, are forward-looking, such statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that involve a number of uncertainties and risks. Such uncertainties and risks include, but are not limited to, risks associated with management of growth and international operations (including the effects of currency fluctuations, regulatory processes and dependence on logistics), variability of operating results and allocations between customer classes, the commercial development of markets for our products to customers in academia, pharma, applied testing and molecular diagnostics; changing relationships with customers, suppliers and strategic partners; competition; rapid or unexpected changes in technologies; fluctuations in demand for QIAGEN's products (including fluctuations due to general economic conditions, the level and timing of customers' funding, budgets and other factors); our ability to obtain regulatory approval of our products; difficulties in successfully adapting QIAGEN's products to integrated solutions and producing such products; the ability of QIAGEN to identify and develop new products and to differentiate and protect our products from competitors' products; market acceptance of QIAGEN's new products and the integration of acquired technologies and businesses; actions of governments, global or regional economic developments, weather or transportation delays, natural disasters, political or public health crises, and its impact on the demand for our products and other aspects of our business, or other force majeure events; as well as the possibility that expected benefits related to recent or pending acquisitions may not materialize as expected; and the other factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F. For further information, please refer to the discussions in reports that QIAGEN has filed with, or furnished to, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Source: QIAGEN N.V. Category: CorporateHealthy Returns: Novo Nordisk's Ozempic faces scrutiny over potential link to rare eye conditionA former NFL star's wife is taking some heat on social media for her "inappropriate" poolside photo. Eric Decker, a longtime NFL wide receiver, is married to country music star Jessie James Decker. The couple is not shy when it comes to their affection for one another. Eric and Jessie, who got married in 2013, are constantly flaunting their relationship on social media. They are happily married, with four children, and loving life together. But not everyone is enjoying their social media posts. The former NFL star and his wife are taking heat for their "inappropriate" poolside photo shared to social media. Jessie James Decker/IG Jessie James, who is no stranger to poolside content, shared a juicy snap of her kissing her husband on vacation. Not everyone is a fan of it, though. Jessie James Decker/Instagram. NFL fans are calling out the couple for their "inappropriate" photo shared to social media. "They're doing a naughty," one fan wrote. "TMI," one fan added. Let them live, though. The couple has been together for nearly 15 years at this point. They met through mutual friends and began dating in 2011. "I got a text from my girlfriend who said, ‘I’m having dinner with this guy I’m seeing, and this other guy just showed up, and he's stunning.' Show him a picture of me, and see if he’s into," Jessie James recalled. Eric Decker was one of the NFL's most consistent wide receivers during his playing career. He was a third round NFL Draft pick out of Minnesota in 2010. The veteran wide receiver began his career with the Denver Broncos, playing for the AFC West franchise from 2010-13. He later played for the Jets, Titans and Patriots. Eric Decker finished his career with 439 catches, 5,816 yards and 54 total touchdowns.

    Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current headphones or in need of a pair to give this Christmas, Walmart has a deal that’ll save your major cash ahead of the holidays. The popular retailer has the Beats Studio Pro Wireless Headphones for a whopping $179 off. Originally priced at $349, the headphones are now $169.99 thanks to Walmart taking 51% off. Amazon is also offering them for $169.99. The Beats Studio Pro Wireless Headphones are an all-around win. Each pair has two listening modes — fully adaptive Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) and Transparency mode — and is compatible with iOS and Android devices. These headphones also have multifunction on-ear controls that allow you to take calls, control music, and activate Siri. It comes in four colors — Black, Deep Brown, Navy, and Sandstone. Shoppers can get Uniqlo's 'roomy and stylish' bag for just $15 ahead of Christmas Echo Pop, Fire Stick, and Ring Doorbell now discounted in surprise Amazon sale Like free delivery? A Walmart+ membership gives you free delivery, early access to Black Friday deals, savings on gas, and more. Usually $8.17 a month, you can now get a 30-day free trial to Walmart+ to experience these benefits. These over-the ear-headphones boast a battery life of up to 40 hours , making it ideal for all-day listening from traveling to relaxing at home and everything in between. Thanks to Beats’ fast fuel technology, a quick 10-minute charge provides up to four hours of additional playback. The Beats Studio Pro Wireless Headphones have an overall rating of 4.6 out of five stars with over 900 reviews. “These are my first Beats and I really love the spatial audio...very comfy, easy to clean if you buy them in Sandstone color. I use them when going for a walk, for the gym, and at work. This is an airport must-have , the case is amazing!” Another reviewer enthused, “Stunned. The battery life on these are insane ! I do not regret buying these at all!” If you’re considering gifting a pair of these headphones, you’re in good company. As this customer shares, “This was a purchase for my daughter, and she absolutely loves them. She loves the noise cancellation and clear sound when listening to music or watching movies on her iPad.” “This was a gift for my grandson and Walmart was the only store that would deliver within two days . He loves it,” says another happy customer. However, not everyone is impressed with these headphones. As this customer shares, “The sound quality wasn't up to expectations.” Another one says, “The volume on these headphones are really low.” Get the Beats Studio Pro Wireless Headphones for $169.99 at Walmart. The Bose QuietComfort Headphones are another great headphone option. These headphones deliver excellent noise cancellation and have up to 24 hours of battery life. It’s now $150 off at Bose and Walmart .UC San Diego 73, James Madison 67

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    Braskem S.A. ( NYSE:BAK – Get Free Report )’s share price fell 3.3% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as low as $3.78 and last traded at $3.80. 136,581 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 84% from the average session volume of 843,888 shares. The stock had previously closed at $3.93. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades A number of brokerages have recently weighed in on BAK. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reduced their price target on shares of Braskem from $10.00 to $9.50 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research note on Tuesday, September 10th. UBS Group raised Braskem from a “neutral” rating to a “buy” rating and boosted their target price for the stock from $7.70 to $10.00 in a report on Wednesday, September 18th. Get Our Latest Analysis on Braskem Braskem Price Performance Hedge Funds Weigh In On Braskem Large investors have recently made changes to their positions in the business. MBB Public Markets I LLC lifted its stake in Braskem by 69.5% during the second quarter. MBB Public Markets I LLC now owns 1,597,293 shares of the company’s stock valued at $10,303,000 after purchasing an additional 654,806 shares during the last quarter. Walleye Capital LLC acquired a new position in Braskem in the third quarter worth approximately $2,341,000. Marshall Wace LLP increased its holdings in shares of Braskem by 872.0% in the second quarter. Marshall Wace LLP now owns 268,352 shares of the company’s stock valued at $1,731,000 after buying an additional 240,744 shares in the last quarter. Point72 Asset Management L.P. lifted its position in shares of Braskem by 329.1% during the 3rd quarter. Point72 Asset Management L.P. now owns 176,800 shares of the company’s stock valued at $1,298,000 after acquiring an additional 135,600 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC boosted its stake in shares of Braskem by 106.8% during the 3rd quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 90,736 shares of the company’s stock worth $666,000 after acquiring an additional 46,858 shares in the last quarter. Braskem Company Profile ( Get Free Report ) Braskem SA, together with its subsidiaries, produces and sells thermoplastic resins. The company operates through three segments: Brazil, United States and Europe, and Mexico. The Brazil segment produces and sells olefins, including ethylene, polymer and chemical grade propylene, butadiene, and butene-1; benzene, toluene, and xylenes products; fuels, such as automotive gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, ethyl tertiary-butyl ether, and methyl tertiary-butyl ether; intermediates, such as cumene; aliphatics, aromatics, and hydrogenated solvents; and specialties comprising isoprene, dicyclopentadiene, piperylene, nonene, tetramer, polyisobutylene, and hydrocarbon resins. See Also Receive News & Ratings for Braskem Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Braskem and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .Unlike scores of people who scrambled for the blockbuster drugs Ozempic and Wegovy to lose weight in recent years, Danielle Griffin had no trouble getting them. The 38-year-old information technology worker from New Mexico had a prescription. Her pharmacy had the drugs in stock. And her health insurance covered all but $25 to $50 of the monthly cost. For Griffin, the hardest part of using the new drugs wasn’t access. It was finding out that the much-hyped medications didn’t really work for her. “I have been on Wegovy for a year and a half and have only lost 13 pounds,” said Griffin, who watches her diet, drinks plenty of water and exercises regularly. “I’ve done everything right with no success. It’s discouraging.” In clinical trials, most participants taking Wegovy or Mounjaro to treat obesity lost an average of 15% to 22% of their body weight — up to 50 pounds or more in many cases. But roughly 10% to 15% of patients in those trials were “nonresponders” who lost less than 5% of their body weight. Now that millions of people have used the drugs, several obesity experts told The Associated Press that perhaps 20% of patients — as many as 1 in 5 — may not respond well to the medications. It's a little-known consequence of the obesity drug boom, according to doctors who caution eager patients not to expect one-size-fits-all results. “It's all about explaining that different people have different responses,” said Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity expert at Massachusetts General Hospital The drugs are known as GLP-1 receptor agonists because they mimic a hormone in the body known as glucagon-like peptide 1. Genetics, hormones and variability in how the brain regulates energy can all influence weight — and a person's response to the drugs, Stanford said. Medical conditions such as sleep apnea can prevent weight loss, as can certain common medications, such as antidepressants, steroids and contraceptives. “This is a disease that stems from the brain,” said Stanford. “The dysfunction may not be the same” from patient to patient. Despite such cautions, patients are often upset when they start getting the weekly injections but the numbers on the scale barely budge. “It can be devastating,” said Dr. Katherine Saunders, an obesity expert at Weill Cornell Medicine and co-founder of the obesity treatment company FlyteHealth. “With such high expectations, there’s so much room for disappointment.” That was the case for Griffin, who has battled obesity since childhood and hoped to shed 70 pounds using Wegovy. The drug helped reduce her appetite and lowered her risk of diabetes, but she saw little change in weight. “It’s an emotional roller coaster,” she said. “You want it to work like it does for everybody else.” The medications are typically prescribed along with eating behavior and lifestyle changes. It’s usually clear within weeks whether someone will respond to the drugs, said Dr. Jody Dushay, an endocrine specialist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Weight loss typically begins right away and continues as the dosage increases. For some patients, that just doesn't happen. For others, side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea force them to halt the medications, Dushay said. In such situations, patients who were counting on the new drugs to pare pounds may think they’re out of options. “I tell them: It's not game over,” Dushay said. Trying a different version of the new class of drugs may help. Griffin, who didn't respond well to Wegovy, has started using Zepbound, which targets an additional hormone pathway in the body. After three months of using the drug, she has lost 7 pounds. “I'm hoping it's slow and steady,” she said. Other people respond well to older drugs, the experts said. Changing diet, exercise, sleep and stress habits can also have profound effects. Figuring out what works typically requires a doctor trained to treat obesity, Saunders noted. “Obesity is such a complex disease that really needs to be treated very comprehensively,” she said. “If what we’re prescribing doesn’t work, we always have a backup plan.”


    Welcome to an Amazon Prime Monday Night Hockey edition of NHL Predictions here at Last Word on Hockey as the Calgary Flames are in town to take on the Ottawa Senators. Tonight’s game is a tale of two teams headed in opposite directions. Calgary is winners of four straight, while Ottawa is losers of five in a row. Will these trends continue or will Ottawa be able to flip the switch at home? So, as we get into it, we will send out the reminder. Be sure to check out all our coverage as we look at key matchups and provide detailed analysis on all the games throughout the 2024-25 campaign. NHL Predictions Calgary Flames at Ottawa Senators, from Canadian Tire Centre Time: 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) TV: Amazon Prime Monday Night Hockey The Ottawa Senators Searching for some Positives Some line tinkering by head coach Travis Green wasn’t enough to get it done Saturday versus the Vancouver Canucks . The Sens came back but in the end, it was too little, too late. It will be interesting to see what tricks coach Green has up his sleeve for the Flames. The @NHLFlames take a four-game winning streak into Ottawa, where @Senators forward Tim Stützle owns an eight-game home point streak of his own. It's Monday, and it's only on Prime! 7:30 p.m. ET | Prime Video Canada ( @SportsOnPrimeCA ) — NHL Public Relations (@PR_NHL) November 25, 2024 Regardless of the line changes, one player who continues to hum along is young star Tim Stutzle . Through 20 games, Stutzle leads the team in assists (15) and points (24). Along with Drake Batherson and Brady Tkachuk , the trio are all a point-per-game or better and power the Sens offence. However, the team is in disarray, evidenced with the roster changes. Artem Zub has a fractured foot, so the Sens management have made it known they’re in pursuit of a defenceman. Furthermore, Zack MacEwen cleared waivers and fellow Zack, as in Zack Ostapchuk has been recalled from Belleville. Cole Reinhardt was also called up so the exact lineup is a bit unclear. One thing confirmed is that Anton Forsberg gets the call between the pipes. Sens are trying to spice things up, hopefully they end up with two points in the end tonight. Vancouver Looks to Stay Above the Curve It’s hard to imagine the Flames are where they are right now. They traded Noah Hanifin , Elias Lindholm , Nikita Zadorov , Jacob Markstrom , and went from cap ceiling to basement dwellers over the past year or so. And somehow, someway, they might have actually gotten better. Yes, on paper they aren’t very strong. However, if you check the NHL’s Pacific Division standings you’ll find their 12-6-3 record has them in second place. Their offence is not fancy, with a pair of defencemen, one-two in team scoring. Rasmus Andersson (13) and MacKenzie Weegar (12) take the honours for that distinction. It is also interesting to note, that although they are not scoring a lot, they are consistent and durable. Each of the club’s top-seven scorers have played in all 21 games. The Alberta work ethic appears to be strong in Cow Town. Along with the team, one of their players is taking the NHL by storm. Rookie goaltender Dustin Wolf is a big part of his club’s success. Expect him to put his wonderful record on the line tonight. He’s currently 8-2-1 with a 2.33 goals-against average and a .926 save percentage. NHL Predictions: Canucks and Senators Based on our analysis, Ottawa powered by their captain right the ship for one game and emerge victorious. Prediction: Ottawa wins in regulation, 5-1. According to Fanduel, if we want to look at adding some friendly wagers on the outcomes, check these out. Take Ottawa to cover the spread at -1.5 paying +154, also, having either Tkachuk or Batherson score pays +110. Stutzle to record a point is -215. Those seem like good value picks assuming an Ottawa victory. Please play responsibly, check for your local rules and age restrictions, some jurisdictions require ages 21+. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. This article first appeared on Last Word On Sports and was syndicated with permission.ph777 download

    From Shopping to Advice From Warren BuffettFollowing are reactions from around the world to events in Syria. Syrian rebels ousted President Bashar Assad and seized control of Damascus on Sunday, forcing him to flee and ending his family's decades of rule after more than 13 years of civil war in a seismic moment for the Middle East. European Commission President Ursula von Der Leyen "The cruel Assad dictatorship has collapsed. This historic change in the region offers opportunities but is not without risks. Europe is ready to support safeguarding national unity and rebuilding a Syrian state that protects all minorities." EU Foreign Policy Chief Kaja Kallas "The end of Assad's dictatorship is a positive and long-awaited development. It also shows the weakness of Assad's backers, Russia and Iran." "Our priority is to ensure security in the region. I will work with all the constructive partners, in Syria and in the region." European Parliament President Roberta Metsola "The dictator has fallen. It is clear that Bashar al-Assad's brutal 24-year rule of Syria is over as his regime lies in tatters. This is a critical period for the region and for the millions of Syrians who want a free, stable and secure future. What happens in the next hours and days matters." Iran Foreign Ministry The ministry said in statement Iran respects Syria's unity and national sovereignty and called for "the swift end of military conflicts, the prevention of terrorist actions, and the commencement of national dialog" with all sectors of Syrian society. Tehran said it would continue to support international mechanisms for pursuing the political process, adding that long-standing and friendly relations between the Iranian and Syrian nations are expected to continue. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The fall of Assad, a major link in the Iranian axis, is an historic day and a direct result of blows dealt to Hezbollah and Iran by Israel, Netanyahu said. "We will not allow any hostile force to establish itself on our border," he added. U.S. President Joe Biden "President Biden and his team are closely monitoring the extraordinary events in Syria and staying in constant touch with regional partners," the White House said in a statement. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump "Assad is gone. He has fled his country. His protector, Russia, Russia, Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, was not interested in protecting him any longer," Trump posted on Truth Social. "Russia and Iran are in a weakened state right now, one because of Ukraine and a bad economy, the other because of Israel and its fighting success." Russian Foreign Ministry The ministry said in a statement, Syrian President Bashar Assad has left office and departed the country after giving orders for there be a peaceful handover of power. The ministry did not say where Assad was now and said Russia has not taken part in the talks around his departure. It said Russia's military bases in Syria had been put on a state of high alert, but that there was no serious threat to them at the current time. Moscow is in touch with all Syrian opposition groups and urges all sides to refrain from violence. Iraqi government spokesperson Iraqi government spokesperson Bassem Al-Awadi said Iraq was closely following developments and reaffirmed the importance of not interfering in the internal affairs of Syria or supporting one party in favor of another. Jordan's King Abdullah King Abdullah said Jordan respected the choices of the Syrian people. He urged the avoidance of any conflict in Syria that might lead to chaos and stressed the need to protect the security of his country's northern neighbor, according to a statement published by the Royal Hashemite Court. French President Emmanuel Macron "The barbaric state has fallen. Finally. I pay tribute to the Syrian people, to their courage, to their patience. In this moment of uncertainty, I wish them peace, freedom and unity," Macron said in a post on X social media. "France will remain committed to the security of all in the Middle East." U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer "The Syrian people have suffered under Assad’s barbaric regime for too long and we welcome his departure." "Our focus is now on ensuring a political solution prevails, and peace and stability is restored." "We call on all sides to protect civilians and minorities and ensure essential aid can reach the most vulnerable in the coming hours and days." Qatar Foreign Ministry Qatar's foreign ministry renewed its call to end the crisis in Syria along the lines of the 2015 U.N. Security Council Resolution 2254 which laid out the steps for a ceasefire and political transition. The foreign ministry said it is following developments in Syria with interest and called for the preservation of the unity of the state. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has been communicating with all regional actors on Syria and is determined to do what is possible to avoid a chaotic outcome for the country, a Saudi official told Reuters. "We have been in contact with all actors in the region. We are in constant communication with Turkey and every stakeholder involved," the official said, adding that the kingdom was not aware of Bashar Assad's whereabouts. Foreign Ministry of Egypt Egypt has called on all parties in Syria to preserve the capabilities of the state and national institutions, the Egyptian foreign ministry said. The foreign ministry affirmed its support for the Syrian people and the country's sovereignty and unity. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan Syria has reached a stage where the Syrian people will shape the future of their own country, today there is hope, Fidan said in a news conference in Doha. The Syrian people cannot do this alone. Turkey attaches importance to Syrian territorial integrity. A new Syrian administration must be established inclusively, there should be no desire for revenge. Turkey calls on all actors to act with prudence and to be watchful. Terrorist organizations must not be allowed to take advantage of this situation. Opposition groups must be united. We will work for stability and safety in Syria. The new Syria should not pose a threat to neighbors, it should eliminate threats. Any extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) cannot be considered a legitimate counterpart in Syria. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha "Assad has fallen. This is how it has always been and will always be for dictators who bet on Putin. He always betrays those who rely on him. The main goal now is to restore security in Syria and effectively protect its people from violence." Konstantin Kosachyov, Russian Lawmaker Syrians will have to cope with a full-scale civil war alone, deputy chairman of Russia's upper house of parliament Konstantin Kosachyov said, the Interfax news agency reported. Afghanistan Taliban Administration's Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Afghanistan congratulates the leadership of the movement and the people of Syria on the recent developments, which have resulted in the removal of key factors contributing to conflict & instability." "The capital, Damascus, has come under control of Syrian people under the leadership of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and we express hope that the remaining phases of the revolution will be managed effectively to establish a peaceful, unified, & stable governance system." Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Daniel Shapiro "The United States will continue to maintain its presence in eastern Syria and will take measures necessary to prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State," Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Daniel Shapiro told the Manama Dialogue security conference in Bahrain. Shapiro called on all parties to protect civilians, particularly minorities, and respect international norms. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock "It is impossible to say exactly what is happening in Syria now. But one thing is clear: for millions of people in Syria, the end of Assad means the first big sigh of relief after an eternity of atrocities committed by the Assad regime." "Assad has murdered, tortured and used poison gas against his own people. He must finally be held accountable for this. "The country must not now fall into the hands of other radicals — regardless of the guise. We therefore call on the parties to the conflict to live up to their responsibility for all Syrians. This includes the comprehensive protection of ethnic and religious minorities such as Kurds, Alawites or Christians and an inclusive political process that creates a balance between the groups." German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz "Bashar al Assad has brutally oppressed his own people, has countless lives on his conscience and has driven numerous people to flee Syria, many of whom have also come to Germany. The Syrian people have experienced appalling suffering. The end of Assad's rule over Syria is therefore good news. "What matters now is that law and order are quickly restored in Syria. All religious communities, all minorities must enjoy protection now and in the future." Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani "We are calling for a peaceful handover between the fallen regime and the new reality, so for a peaceful rather than military transition. It seems to me that at the moment things are going in this direction," Tajani said in a press conference. U.N. special envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen Special envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen underscores the clear desire expressed by millions of Syrians that stable and inclusive transitional arrangements are put in place, a statement said. He urged all Syrians to prioritize dialog, unity, and respect for international humanitarian law and human rights as they seek to rebuild their society, adding he stands ready to support the Syrian people in their journey toward a stable and inclusive future. "Today marks a watershed moment in Syria’s history — a nation that has endured nearly 14 years of relentless suffering and unspeakable loss... This dark chapter has left deep scars, but today we look forward with cautious hope to the opening of a new one— one of peace, reconciliation, dignity, and inclusion for all Syrians." U.N. Aid Chief Tom Fletcher "Events in Syria moving at remarkable pace. More than [a] decade of conflict has displaced millions. Now many more are in danger. We will respond wherever, whenever, however we can to support people in need, including reception centers —food, water, fuel, tents, blankets."Bazilah listens to a point shared by one of the two panellists. KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 9): As artificial intelligence (AI) disrupts industries and redefines decision-making processes, experts argue that the core qualities of human leadership – determination, empathy and discipline – will remain irreplaceable. International, Industrial & Institutional Partnership deputy dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Bazilah A Talip highlighted that while AI enhances efficiency and provides valuable data-driven insights, she remarked ‘it cannot replicate human foresight, ethical judgment or the ability to inspire and motivate teams’. “AI is a tool, not a replacement. True leadership requires vision and resilience to navigate through uncertainties that AI alone cannot predict,” said the Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) researcher at a forum entitled ‘Strategic Leadership & Visionary Leaders of the Future in the Era of Artificial Leadersip’, conducted recently. According to Bazilah, the Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT), under the Ministry of Higher Education, has been at the forefront of such initiatives which aim to integrate AI into leadership practices without losing sight of the human element. She added that AKEPT collaborates with industry and academic experts to equip them with the knowledge and skills to thrive in increasingly complex environment through initiatives such as forums and workshops, meant to explore the intersection of AI and leadership. “AI cannot replace a leader’s ability to build trust, motivate teams or navigate ambiguity, instead it should offer support by helping leaders make informed decisions faster and more accurately,” said Bazilah. She added that to prepare for the future, AKEPT and UniKL have intensified efforts to train leaders with both technical expertise and emotional intelligence. By fostering collaboration between academia and industry, both organisations aim to produce leaders ready to embrace AI while safeguarding core leadership principles. “By emphasising human values in tandem with technological advancement, we can build a future where innovation thrives without losing sight of what makes us human.” Furthermore, Bazilah pointed out that qualities such as determination, consistency and discipline are indispensable for long-term success. “AI may assist with operational tasks but it’s the leader’s human qualities that set the vision and drive results.”

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    Modernizing Legacy Systems: A Path to Agility and ScalabilityMassive $20B Ad Agency Merger Set To Impect Tech & Appliance Brands Including AppleAgreements and non-tenders reduced players eligible for arbitration to 169 from 238 at the start of last week. Teams and players are to exchange proposed arbitration salaries on Jan. 9, 2025, and those who don’t reach agreements will be scheduled for hearings from Jan. 27 through Feb. 14, 2025, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Topa was guaranteed $1,225,000 as part of a deal that included a $1 million salary for 2025 and a $2 million team option for 2026 with a $225,000 buyout. Stewart agreed to an $870,000 salary and can earn $30,000 in bonuses for days on the active roster: $10,000 for 112 and $20,000 for 142. McKenzie agreed to a $1.95 million, one-year contract and Sulser to a one-year deal that pays $900,000 in the major leagues and $450,000 while in the minors. AP MLB:’ John Harbaugh gives cryptic response about WR Diontae Johnson’s future

    On an October afternoon, Dale Rutherford gathered with friends and family at the Barge Restaurant in Raymond, Washington, just a few miles from where he was born 99 years earlier at South Bend Hospital. Everyone had come to see him receive the Pacific County Farm Forestry Association’s “Tree Farmer of the Year” award and to share stories about his life. Only, Rutherford himself had left his hearing aids at home in Lebam. Chapter president Nick Somero was partway through his speech when Rutherford turned to his daughter, Nancy Salme, and her husband, Brett, and asked, “Well how come nobody’s talking anymore?” The room erupted in laughter. Not being able to hear didn’t keep Rutherford from waving to the crowd later on and offering a brief but heartfelt, “Thanks, everybody!” But even if he could have heard Somero call him the “epitome of forest (stewardship),” it seems doubtful that he would have found much more to say in the way of a response. When asked a few weeks after the luncheon how it felt to receive the award, Rutherford said, with characteristic, self-effacing cheer, “I didn’t think I deserved it, because I haven’t done anything extra special.” “I just do my ordinary things every day,” he added. “It’s just routine, I guess.” At age 99, after a lifetime of laboring and sojourning in the woods, that routine still includes regularly driving to the Lebam post office in search of a conversation (or at least somebody to wave to), pruning trees on his roughly 40 acres of forestland and feeding his cows twice a day. “He walks that catwalk 25 feet above the cows in the manger, leans over and gets the hay ... drops it down to the cows, turns around, walks back along the catwalk ... and comes back down the old wooden ladder, every morning and every night,” Nancy Salme said. “And if we tried to stop him, he wouldn’t listen to us.” None of this may feel special to Rutherford, even if he does acknowledge that he’s been at it longer than most. But it isn’t just the fact of his longevity that those closest to him find so laudable. It’s the nature of it — the modesty of his lifestyle, the consistency of his values, the spirit and ethic with which he does everything. “Dale is one of my heroes,” says longtime family friend and Frances resident Lynette Falkner. “He really lives the values of the Greatest Generation — he is kind, he is polite, he is respectful and he is very hardworking.” Rex Hutchins, of Menlo, used to lead forest tours for fourth graders alongside Rutherford and the late Bob Falkner as part of the Project Learning Tree program. “I always told the kids then that when I grow up, I want to be like Dale,” he said. “I was kind of hoping he would donate blood somewhere so I could go get some,” he added with a laugh. Over and over again, the Chinook Observer heard comments like this from Rutherford’s friends and family. By naming him Pacific County Tree Farmer of the Year, they intend not only to recognize his qualities as a steward of the land, but as a human being and member of the community. Which, around these parts, overlap considerably. Many of the life experiences that shaped Rutherford as a citizen-forester came during a time when most of the hard work in this country was still done by hand — when making it to tomorrow, or the next ridge over, in a place like southwest Washington still took a unique combination of guts, ingenuity and endurance. “They’d just take off ... from over here on the Trap Creek side and walk clear over to Naselle,” said Brett Salme of the years Rutherford spent cruising and surveying, before many of the highways that transect the Willapa Hills even existed. “They’d survey so far in a day, and just camp out and get up the next day and survey a little farther, and of course ... nowadays ... at the end of the day you hop in your truck and drive home!” “It was a very simple life,” added Nancy Salme. “And he got by with what they had, and made the best of what he did.” Those early days may have been rugged and barebones, but Rutherford himself still speaks of them with joy and reverence. In 1929, when he was 4 years old, his father was hired to run the Forks Creek Hatchery in Nallpee. “We lived there for 12 years, which were some of the best years of my life, (as there) was always something to do and ... always somebody there to see,” wrote Rutherford. “They got thousands of fish in those years and they gave fish to everyone during the Depression; people came and worked on the fish traps in the high waters to get fish and to have something to do, (as) there was not very much work during the bad years.” Experiencing this intersection of natural bounty, man-made hardship and human solidarity would prove formative to Rutherford’s worldview, especially as it pertained to natural resources. At a time when what the land had to offer seemed inexhaustible — and when people often acted like it, too — seeing firsthand the consequences of short-sightedness impressed on Rutherford the importance of patience and thrift. Persevering through lean times, when the woods provided both sustenance and diversion, taught him how to appreciate the land for more than its dollar value. “I know that (Dale’s) seen when it was logged in the early 1900s and not replanted,” said Rob Friese, of Lebam, another longtime family friend. “And that’s just not something a bright person would do.” Indeed, one of Rutherford’s first jobs in the woods, even before he began logging in 1948, was planting trees. He did so first for the state of Washington, and later on for independent outfits, at a time when the practice was still novel. “He was really in the infancy of tree-planting,” said Victor Niemcziek, of Frances. Unsurprisingly, none of this is particularly noteworthy to Rutherford, who still speaks of planting and pruning trees as one might of brushing their teeth or getting dressed. “I planted all over around the county here — it’s just one of those things I do normally,” he said. “Just like you’d do certain things every day and don’t think much about it.” It’s hard to get Rutherford to say much more than this — to really get at what makes him tick. But when pressed, he does offer, with finality: “I enjoy seeing the trees there. Everything isn’t about money. You can do a lot of things and not get any big return out of it — just enjoyment for yourself.” On a tour of his forestland, Rutherford pauses for the Chinook Observer’s cameras beneath a stately, second-growth Douglas fir. These days, there is a slight hitch in his step. But it is still the unmistakable, loping stride of a seasoned woodsman — brisk and relentless. That’s when it occurs to this reporter to ask, “Dale, do you think you’re older than some of these trees?” To which he replies, “Oh yeah, I probably am.” For now, he probably is. But they will outlive him yet.

    West Palm Beach, Florida–(Newsfile Corp. – November 25, 2024) – VVM, a leader in vape vending technology, introduces a comprehensive customer support system to revolutionize service response times. The vending machine industry faces increasing demands for reliable technical support and rapid response times. VVM recognizes these evolving needs in the modern vending landscape. This innovative company has developed a cutting-edge support system to address common challenges in vape vending machine operations. In this press release, VVM details its enhanced support service initiatives. The Need for Responsive Support in Modern Vape Vending Machines The vape vending industry continues to evolve with increasingly sophisticated technology. VVM understands that modern vending machines require specialized technical assistance and regular maintenance. Industry studies show that quick response times directly impact customer satisfaction and business continuity. Key challenges in modern vending operations include: When challenges arise with these advanced systems, immediate access to technical support becomes crucial for business continuity. Customers cannot afford extended machine downtime, directly impacting revenue and customer satisfaction levels. That’s why VVM understands that providing multiple support channels and guaranteed response times has become essential in the modern vape vending industry. This ensures operators can quickly resolve issues and maintain service standards. What Does Responsive Support Entail? Effective customer support in the vape vending industry encompasses multiple service layers. Equipment troubleshooting stands as a cornerstone of quality support services. Professional technicians must address issues quickly to minimize downtime. Essential elements of responsive support include: VVM’s New Support Plan VVM has implemented comprehensive vape vending solutions that prioritize customer satisfaction. Its enhanced support system introduces new features designed to streamline service delivery and maximize operational efficiency. The new system offers around-the-clock technical assistance availability and many of the essential support perks listed above or that one can find on their website . VVM prioritizes preventing service issues through the strategic implementation of high-quality components and user-friendly systems, allowing end-buyers to reach support at any time, day or night, when buying vapes. Its machines feature robust payment systems that accept multiple forms of payment, including credit cards, reducing common transaction-related support tickets. The company selects premium-grade materials for high-wear components like buttons, displays, and dispensing mechanisms, extending the lifespan of these frequently used parts to prevent common issues that create support tickets. The machines incorporate industrial-grade dispensing mechanisms designed to withstand heavy daily use. Additionally, their user interface design focuses on intuitive operation, featuring clear instructions and responsive touch screens that minimize user errors and related support calls. The company employs antimicrobial surfaces in all customer contact points, ensuring durability and safety while reducing maintenance needs. For More Information on Excellence in West Palm Beach Vending Support VVM leads the industry in customer-focused support solutions. Its commitment to excellence ensures reliable operation of vape vending equipment throughout West Palm Beach and surrounding areas. The company offers comprehensive vape vending service solutions backed by years of industry expertise. For professional vape vending support and service, businesses can reach VVM at (561) 933-4862, serving the entire West Palm Beach, FL, region with industry-leading vending solutions. ### To view the source version of this press release, please visit #distro6 Pope: Didn’t have much to do other than the goals, where he was let down by those in front. 6 Livramento: Tried to drive forward at every opportunity, especially in the first half. 6 Schar: Solid enough. Didn’t have an awful lot to do. 4 Kelly : Lost Soucek for West Ham’s crucial early opener. Good tackle on Summerville in second half but booked for foul on Bowen. Failed to take big chance in absence of Burn. 7 Hall: Newcastle’s best player again. Lively and full of running and positive intent. Went close on a couple of occasions. 5 Longstaff: Never really settled and got a grip of the game. Replaced on the hour. 5 Willock: Worked hard and went close with one chance but midfield a bit chaotic at times .Was hurt in accidental clash with his own teammate Longstaff and replaced at the break. 6 Bruno : Brilliant first half pass to create chance for Isak. Robbed of possession in build-up to decisive second goal. 5 Gordon: Missed glorious first half chance when he was denied by Fabianski and failed to make the most of several promising openings. 5 Joelinton: Couldn’t get into the game. 6 Isak: Promising start with disallowed goal and a threat in the first half but starved of service after the break. Substitutes: 5 Barnes (for Willock, 46): Failed to make an impact from the bench. 6 Tonali (for Longstaff, 57): Change didn’t have the desired effect. Tidy enough but Newcastle ran out of steam and ideas. Wilson (for Gordon, 68): N/A Murphy (for Joelinton, 69): N/A Trippier (for Bruno, 84): N/A Subs not used : Dubravka, Almiron, Targett, Osula WEST HAM: Fabiański 7, Wan-Bissaka 7, Todibo 5 (Mavropanos, 56), Kilman 6, Emerson 7 (Coufal, 75), Soler 8 (Rodríguez, 84), Souček 8, Paquetá 8, Summerville 7 (Irving, 84), Bowen 8, Antonio 7 (Ings, 75) SUBS NOT USED: Areola (GK), Cresswell, Scarles, Luis Guilherme Man of the Match : Bowen. West Ham’s captain was a threat and used the ball superbly throughout. He made the decisive second goal for Wan-Bissaka.

    Sean Combs ’ physical violence was allegedly directed at both his romantic partners and personal employees, with the music mogul accused of once attempting to beat down a woman’s door with a hammer. Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York leveled the new accusations against Combs on Monday as they argued against his release from jail. The 55-year-old has been held at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Brooklyn without bail since his arrest on sex trafficking and racketeering charges on Sept. 16. (Combs pleaded not guilty to the three charges. If convicted, he stands to serve 15 years to life in prison.) U.S. District Judge Arun Subramanian is expected to make a decision this week on whether Combs will be released. Combs’ attorneys have proposed a sizable $50 million bail package, in which Combs would be monitored 24/7 by a private security firm from a three-bedroom apartment on the Upper East Side. His trial is currently set for May 2025. However, prosecutors vehemently oppose Combs’ release, claiming that he has been continually tampering with witnesses and alleged victims — even from the MDC , using other inmates’ phone numbers and unauthorized methods of communication to contact third parties. (Combs’ team has denied any obstruction allegations against their client.) Prosecutors also claim that Combs presents a danger to the community, alleging that he has an extensive history of physical violence towards romantic partners, including once attempting to beat down a woman’s door with a hammer. “Often behind closed doors, the defendant engaged in acts of violence against women, including throwing them to the ground, dragging them by their hair, kicking, shoving, punching, and slapping them,” prosecutors allege in court documents. “He manipulated, coerced, and extorted women, including by plying them with drugs, threatening to withhold financial support, and threatening to disseminate sex tapes that the defendant had made of their sexual encounters. He [intimidated] women, including by displaying firearms, threatening them, showing up at their homes unannounced, and attempting to beat down the door — on one occasion with a hammer.” Editor’s picks The 100 Best TV Episodes of All Time The 250 Greatest Guitarists of All Time Prosecutors widened the scope of Combs’ alleged abuse to his employees, who “have described the defendant threatening to kill them, throwing objects at them, and being struck, punched, and shoved by the defendant, and seeing him do the same to others,” according to court documents. Throughout the 13-page letter, prosecutors argue that there are no measures that would satisfy conditions of Combs’ release. Combs has suggested that he could be monitored around the clock by a private security team. His attorney, Marc Agnifilo, had previously floated to the court hiring the company Sage Intelligence Group for the job. That company’s director is Herman Weisberg, a well-known private detective who has worked on several high-profile cases, including for Harvey Weinstein’s defense lawyers. The issue, prosecutors point out, is that Weisberg is “already working as a private investigator” for Combs and was “contacting witnesses — a fact that was not disclosed by the defense to the Court or to the Government prior to or at the hearing.” And in a minor point to the government’s opposition to bail, they accuse Combs of breaking a gag order that his team insisted on by orchestrating a social media campaign for his birthday on Nov. 5. Prosecutors claim that Combs had his children post a video of themselves celebrating his birthday with the intention of influencing a future jury pool. Referencing a gag order in President Donald Trump’s since-dismissed federal election interference case, Combs’ team argues that a “heightened standard” to what constitutes breaking the order should apply in Combs’ case. Like Trump, they argue, Combs has “a greater constitutional claim than other trial participants ... to criticize and speak out against the prosecution and the criminal trial process that seek to take away his liberty.” Related Content Kanye West Sued for 'Pornographic Gagging' of Model on Video Set Rebel Wilson Loses Bid To Toss Defamation Suit Filed by 'The Deb' Producers Conor McGregor Loses Sexual Assault Civil Trial, Ordered to Pay Victim $250,000 Jonathan Majors' Ex-Girlfriend Settles Assault, Defamation Lawsuit This is Combs’ third attempt at release after having been denied by two previous judges. He currently has an appeal pending in the Second Circuit, which will likely move forward if Judge Subramanian denies his request. Prosecutors have voiced concerns that if released, Combs could potentially speak with witnesses and alleged victims. In the lead-up to his arrest, Combs was accused of speaking with a male escort who testified in the grand jury and later deleting those messages. He is also accused of trying to feed a “false narrative” to a woman the government identified as Victim-2 after the woman said reading Casandra “Cassie” Ventura’s lawsuit was like reading her own “sexual trauma.” (Combs’ team denied this woman is a victim.) In mid-September, SDNY unveiled their 14-page indictment against Combs . The case is largely built around the experiences of Combs’ ex-partner Ventura. The R&B singer sued Combs for sex trafficking and sexual abuse in November 2023, claiming that throughout their decade-long relationship, Combs forced her to engage in sexual acts with male sex workers. Ventura alleges that she was threatened with physical violence, professional retribution, potential leaks of the footage and was kept compliant through excessive drug use. The embattled music executive is also facing a growing pile of civil lawsuits . More than 30 men and women have sued Combs in New York and California, claiming they were assaulted by Combs from the 1990s and as recently as 2022. The claims come from former Danity Kane member Dawn Richard, producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, working models, aspiring artists, businessmen, security guards and people who say they were teens at the time of their alleged encounters. Combs has denied all claims of sex abuse through his reps. “As his legal team has said before, Mr. Combs has full confidence in the facts and the integrity of the judicial process,” his media team previously said in a statement to Rolling Stone .Daily Post Nigeria Corporate governance foundation for success, sustainability of the telecoms industry in Nigeria Home News Politics Metro Entertainment Sport News Corporate governance foundation for success, sustainability of the telecoms industry in Nigeria Published on November 25, 2024 By Daily Post Staff The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has highlighted how governance frameworks will not only ensure compliance but also promote innovation, trust, and long-term value in the ecosystem. Aminu Maida, Executive Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (EVC/CEO), in his address at the recent 2024 Annual Corporate Governance Conference, in Lagos made this assertion. The conference was tagged: “Corporate Survival and Sustainability: The New Face of Governance.” Maida, harped on the significance of corporate governance in organisations, affirming that the concept remains the foundation for success, sustainability of the telecoms industry in Nigeria. He also disclosed the Commission is about to release its revised corporate governance code by updating the 2016 version with a key focus on the introduction of mandatory sustainability reporting for telecoms operators in the country. The EVC explained that this initiative aims to align the sector with global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards, promoting greater transparency and support sustainable development within Nigeria’s telecoms space. Dr. Maida also highlighted how sustainability reporting involves organisations to disclose information about their ESG performance. This practice provides stakeholders—including investors, customers, and regulators—with insights into how telecoms operators manage risks and opportunities related to sustainability. Key components include reporting on carbon emissions, resource usage, labour practices, community engagement, and data privacy, stated Maida. He further explained essence of sustainability in corporate governance, noting “such practices are no longer optional but essential for the long-term success of telecoms companies.” He stated that in today’s fast-evolving world, corporate governance is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s the foundation of the telecom industry’s success and sustainability. He declared: “As leaders, it’s our responsibility to ensure our governance frameworks are robust, adaptable, and in tune with the changing global landscape.” Underscoring the significance of good governance in the telecoms sector of Nigeria’s economy, Maida as well presented findings from a comprehensive NCC analysis evaluating corporate governance among telecoms operators in Nigeria. According to him, the major indicators examined in the survey included Board composition, diversity, effectiveness, ethical conduct, compliance, risk management, and corporate social responsibility. The analysis, NCC Executive Vice-Chairman stated, indicated a strong correlation between effective governance and regulatory compliance, with companies not excelling in governance facing poor financial performance. This observation demonstrates that “good governance is not merely a regulatory obligation but a strategic necessity for sustainable business success,” Maida asserted. Key elements of future of corporate governance in telecoms industry Besides expatiating on the correlation between effective governance and regulatory compliance in the industry, Dr. Maida further enumerated the essential components shaping the future of corporate governance in the telecoms sector. According to him, these include Adaptability. As digital transformation and emerging technologies redefine the landscape, governance frameworks must adapt while ensuring accountability, he noted. Data Privacy and Security: With telecom operators handling vast amounts of sensitive data, robust data protection measures are imperative. He also warned that “data breaches could have dire consequences for both individual companies and the sector as a whole.” He equally stressed the need for “governance frameworks” that prioritise data security through comprehensive policies and compliance protocols in the ecosystem. The EVC/CEO of the telecoms sector regulatory Commission averred: “Corporate governance is not just a regulatory organisation; it is the foundation for the success and sustainability of our industry.” The Executive Vice-Chairman as well highlighted the impressive growth of Nigeria’s telecommunications industry since its liberalisation in 2001. He said: “From just 305,000 active phone lines in 2001, we now boast over 150 million active telecoms subscribers.” Maida restated the telecoms sector’s significant contributions to the West African country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to include job creation, and economic empowerment for millions of Nigerians. 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    The Bruins knocked off South Carolina on Sunday to rise to the top of the polls and are out to a 5-0 start.

    The three-time Northern Section Division 3A champion Pleasant Valley Vikings will be back on their home field Saturday for another run at returning to the state championship game. The Vikings (9-3), coming off their 48-21 win over Red Bluff, will host the Vanden High Vikings (11-2) on Saturday at 6 p.m. at Asgard Yard for the north state championship. It’ll be the first meeting between the two schools on the football field. The winner will play in a state title game against either Rio Hondo Prep (12-1) or Poway (6-7) the following week. The Vikings are one of four Northern Section teams to earn spots in NorCal title contests. In Division 7A, the Los Molinos Bulldogs (8-5) will travel to play Balboa of San Francisco (7-5) at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at an undetermined site. Harrison Hamre, who had 136 rushing yards in a 37-35 win at Maxwell on Wednesday, is just 22 yards from breaking the Northern Section of 2,926 set by Donovan Switalski of East Nicolaus in 2016. Hamre enters Saturday afternoon’s game with 2,905 yards. In three playoff games, he’s gained 849 yards on 104 carries for 8.16 yards per carry and could become the first 3,000-yard rusher in section history. The winner gets the So-Cal Bowl winner of Panorama (8-6) at Pioneer (9-5). In Division 5–A, Northern section winner Lassen (10-3) will take on American Canyon (11-2) on Saturday at 6 p.m. The winner of that game will get either Selma or Palmdale the following Saturday night. In Division 6–AA, unbeaten Winters (12-0) will host Arcata (12-1) on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The winner of that game will play Irvine’s Portola (8-6) or King Drew (11-3). Tickets for the 2024 CIF Regional Football Championship Bowl Games are available online only through CIF’s ticketing partner GoFan.

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    N agpur loves its sweets—Haldiram’s is headquartered here—and is known for the oranges that come from the orchards amidst which the city is located. Sweet makers here turn the oranges into deliciously zesty barfis. We flew into the city very early and headed for breakfast. At 6.30 a.m., more than a hundred people were milling outside a modest eatery on Wardha Road, not far from the Radisson Blu. It would seem that Nagpur locals don’t bother with cooking breakfast and are happy to head to Ramji Shyamji Pohewale to jostle with the crowds. The tarri poha, Nagpur’s favourite way to kickstart the day, is the speciality here. Begun by Tribhuvan Nath Pande 30 years ago, it was named after his identical twin sons Ramji and Shyamji. They now run the place, along with two other brothers. The day starts long before dawn for them and the shop opens at 5 a.m. We watched while Ramji stirred up one round of poha. The flattened rice soaking in recycled oil cans is strained and emptied into basins in which you can bathe a baby. Soyabean oil is heated in a massive karhai and in go mustard seeds, peanuts, sliced onions and turmeric. Ramji lifts up the heavy basin with ease and lets the poha drift into the bubbling oil with its condiments. Cubes of boiled potato and the contents of a pack of frozen peas are also added and it takes some heavy-duty stirring before the poha is ready. It’s moved to the counter and served topped with tarri, the dark, super spicy brown-chana gravy that’s the preferred accompaniment. Customers can ask for spicy or medium, and the quantity of tarri will be adjusted accordingly. The plate can be topped off with chivda if you like. Carrying their plates, several customers head to a table holding a pile of peeled onions. Knives and cutting boards are provided and each one chops up some onion to add to the tarri poha. ‘We put the onions out there, whether they cost `100 or `25 a kilo,’ Ramji said. ‘By letting the customers chop onions for their plate, we save on labour.’ The customers don’t seem to mind one bit and some come here several times a week for breakfast. There are office-goers on their way to work, students, salesmen, senior citizens after their morning walk, all of who have been eating at Ramji Shyamji for many years now. ‘It’s the quality of the ingredients and what we serve that makes them come back again and again,’ Ramji said. ‘We use the best poha, and only soyabean oil for cooking it. Everything is done in sight of the customers. There are no shortcuts or compromises and that encourages them to eat here as they would in their homes.’ A street snack little known outside Nagpur is patodi. A deep-fried pastry stuffed with a mixture of besan, dal and enough fresh coriander to give it a dark-green colour, it’s sold at small stalls and carts across the city. One stall that’s hugely popular is the one at Civil Lines. The nameless stall is known simply as Zilla Patodiwala since it’s near the administrative office buildings. Now in its 50th year, this business was begun by Omkar Prajapati, who came here from Rajasthan. It’s now managed by his son, Ashok, who mans the one-table stall, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. The patodis are prepared in a karkhana (factory) nearby and transported by cycle to the stall. The patodi is broken up and topped off with a ladle or two of kadhi to make one of Nagpur’s favourite street foods. ‘We’ve been here before the new zilla building came up,’ Ashok said, ‘and some customers have been coming every day for years.’ Ashok’s regulars are many and he knows how exactly they like their patodi-kadhi. ‘If the stock is going to be delayed, I have to call and let them know,’ he said as he served us a hearty plate of his speciality. Pakodas are the generic calorie-laden, hit-the-spot fried snack that all of India loves. Nagpur likes it made with moong dal and fried in marble-sized rounds, and likes it even more when it’s made by Santosh Pakodewale. A massive flexboard announcing the name with a photo of the owner stands at the front of a three-storey building that’s the backdrop for this business. They needn’t have taken the trouble. For the crowd on the pavement and spilling over onto the road at the stall opposite South Point School on Manewada Ring Road is announcement enough that you’re at the city’s most popular maker of pakodas. Santosh had no idea the small street-food business he began in 2002 would grow to this size and gain such popularity. Now, he’s a limelight-loving entrepreneur, gold bracelet and massive jeweled rings on his fingers announcing his success. ‘I was working elsewhere and decided it would be good to be my own master,’ he told us, inviting us into his office in the building behind the stall. ‘At the time, I would make pakode from 500 gm of moong dal and sell from the footpath.’ In the next 15 years, his pakode earned a massive following and business flourished. Santosh was able to get his own place in Naren Nagar and establish himself firmly on the food map of Nagpur. More recently, he’s had to move from there to the present address, where he’s acquired a building that serves as store room—he now uses up to 100-plus kilos of moong dal a day—and prep area. This is where the dal is soaked and ground in massive quantities. At 4 p.m. every evening, three huge karhais are fired up, each manned by two people, shaping the pakode and deep-frying them. They emerge crisp and golden, to be served in paper cones topped off by a green chutney that has blobs of yoghurt in it. ‘Our chutney is our speciality,’ Santosh said. His stall uses up 250 litres of yoghurt for the chutney every day. Besides the pakode, bread pakoda and hot masala doodh—of which they sell 50 litres every evening—are other specialities here. Santosh now employs nearly 20 people, all in uniforms with the Santosh Pakodewala logo embroidered on them. ‘I don’t hire professional cooks,’ said this enterprising street-food vendor. ‘I go looking for people who are lost in life, recovering alcoholics, people on the fringes of society, and I hire them. They find purpose. Food transforms their lives.’ If this stall sees Nagpur locals queuing up every evening, the crowds swell further in the monsoons, for the pakoda is essential rainy-day food. ‘Barish mein toh maja hi maja hai,’ as Santosh put it. This excerpt from Bazaar Bites: Tales and Tastes of India’s Street Foods by Priya Bala and Jayanth Narayanan has been published with permission from Rupa Publications. var ytflag = 0;var myListener = function() {document.removeEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);lazyloadmyframes();};document.addEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {if (ytflag == 0) {lazyloadmyframes();ytflag = 1;}});function lazyloadmyframes() {var ytv = document.getElementsByClassName("klazyiframe");for (var i = 0; i < ytv.length; i++) {ytv[i].src = ytv[i].getAttribute('data-src');}} Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );Colorado is gearing up for the rugged Big 12 schedule, but first the Buffaloes wrap up their nonconference slate with two more games, starting Friday night when they host South Dakota State in Boulder, Colo. Colorado (7-2) has won two straight after competing in the Maui Invitational, most recently a 72-55 win over in-state rival Colorado State. Now the focus turns to South Dakota State and shoring up issues before conference play. "Defensively, we're understanding what our jobs are. Now, we're not where we need to be for sure," coach Tad Boyle said. "But we're making strides in that area. And I think the guys are getting used to playing with each other, understanding each other." The Buffaloes lost a lot of talent from last year's NCAA Tournament team but boast some quality players. Andrej Jakimovski (13.0 points per game), Julian Hammond III (12.3 ppg) and Elijah Moore (12.0 ppg) lead the team in scoring. Sophomore big man Bangot Dak has shown he can be a force after scoring a career-high 16 points in the win over Colorado State. The Jackrabbits (8-4) are coming off a 77-63 loss at Nevada on Wednesday night and complete a two-game trip in Boulder. South Dakota State is led by senior center Oscar Cluff, who tops the team in scoring (17.3 points) and rebounding (11.0) but had a subpar night against Nevada when he scored a season-low six points while battling an ankle injury. "I wish he was feeling a little better," coach Eric Henderson said of Cluff. "He's going to be fine, but he's still nursing that ankle a little bit." Freshman Joe Sayler is second on the team in scoring at 12.8 ppg and has reached double figures in each of the last three games. Sophomore Kalen Garry is third on the Jackrabbits in scoring at 9.6 per contest, an average that has been hurt by his last three games when he has averaged just 5.3 points. --Field Level Mediag777 casino

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    In the days following the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson , people online have discussed the state of American health care, particularly its high costs. In a handwritten document expressing his views, the suspected shooter, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione, claimed that the U.S. has the most expensive health care system in the world, but ranks number 42 in life expectancy, multiple media outlets reported. Some on social media repeated the claim or made posts comparing the high costs of the U.S. healthcare system to the nation’s lower life expectancy. THE QUESTION Does the U.S. have the most expensive health care system in the world? THE SOURCES World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Expenditure data Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker THE ANSWER Yes, the U.S. has the most expensive health care system in the world. WHAT WE FOUND A country’s health care costs are typically measured by adding up all health care spending for people, governments, organizations and businesses, and dividing that by the total number of people in the country. The figure includes spending on personal health care, such as drugs and hospital visits, as well as collective care, such as public health services and health administration. The U.S. health care system is more expensive per person than any other country’s health care system, both in raw dollar amounts and when spending is adjusted to account for the cost of living in each country. This finding is consistent across data from multiple international organizations. In 2021, the most recent year for which the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Expenditure database published numbers for all countries, the U.S. spent just over $12,000 on health care per person. The only other country that spent more than $10,000 was Switzerland, which spent nearly $10,900 per person. However, when adjusted for the cost of goods in each country, the spending gap is even larger. Switzerland, which still spent the second most, spent about $9,000 on health care per person in 2021. The U.S., on the other hand, spent about $12,000 per person. Looking at another dataset, in 2022, the U.S. spent nearly $12,600 on health care per person, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) , an international organization made up of about 40 wealthy member countries. The OECD collects data on its member countries. The OECD country that spent the next most on health care per person, when adjusted for the cost of goods in that country, was still Switzerland. It spent just over $8,000 per person, according to the OECD’s data. Wealthy countries do tend to spend more money on health care per person than lower income countries, according to the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker , a partnership between two public health non-profit organizations. But Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Luxembourg and Norway are all wealthier per person than the U.S. is and spend significantly less on health care per person, according to the Health System Tracker. Ireland spends less than half of what the U.S. does on health care per person. Life expectancy and health outcomes When it comes to how the U.S. ranks for life expectancy and health outcomes, it’s true that the U.S. is behind dozens of other countries, although several international organizations don’t place the U.S. exactly at number 42. A CIA World Factbook estimate for 2024 ranked the U.S. 35th in life expectancy once territories are excluded. The WHO ranked the U.S. 45th in the world, excluding territories, in life expectancy in 2021, the most recent year for which the WHO has data for all countries. WHO data from 2019 shows that the U.S. was 40th in life expectancy prior to the pandemic. The U.S. experienced a bigger drop in life expectancy than other similarly wealthy countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Health System Tracker , which is run by the nonprofits The Peterson Center on Healthcare and KFF. The Health System Tracker explains this is because the pandemic increased mortality and premature death rates in the U.S. by more than it did in most peer countries, making the U.S. fall further behind in life expectancy.

    This week offers Pisces natives a harmonious blend of professional growth, emotional fulfillment, and unexpected financial opportunities. The beginning of the week is ideal for engaging in spiritual practices or rituals, as this will bring clarity and strengthen your connection with your inner self. Professional life sees a significant boost as hidden support from senior colleagues or influential figures helps you overcome challenges. By midweek, your ability to manage complex situations and handle authority figures tactfully will be noticed, enhancing your reputation. However, some jealousy or competition from peers may arise—be cautious about sharing your plans. The weekend brings financial surprises, such as unexpected gains through speculation, investments, or bonuses. It’s also a great time to unwind and focus on personal well-being, allowing you to recharge for the coming weeks. Love and Relationships Pisces natives will experience a positive turn in their love life this week. Early in the week, you’ll feel more in tune with your partner’s emotions, creating a deeper sense of understanding and mutual respect. For married individuals, this is an excellent time to address any lingering issues and work toward a stronger bond. Singles may find themselves drawn to someone who shares their values and interests, especially during social or spiritual gatherings. Midweek is ideal for nurturing romantic connections through thoughtful gestures or quality time. By the weekend, emotional closeness and harmony dominate, making it a great time to express your feelings or plan a romantic outing. Education and Career Students will find this week productive, especially if they remain focused and organized. Early in the week, clarity of thought and strong intuition will help you tackle complex subjects or prepare for competitive exams. Collaborative projects or study groups will prove beneficial. For professionals, the week begins with opportunities for growth and recognition. Midweek is particularly favorable for handling complicated tasks or resolving conflicts in the workplace. Your problem-solving abilities will shine, earning you respect from colleagues and superiors. Entrepreneurs may find hidden opportunities through networking or unexpected partnerships. Use the weekend to strategize and solidify plans for future growth. Money and Finance Financially, this week brings positive surprises for Pisces natives. The start of the week may feel stable but uneventful, with routine expenses taking precedence. However, midweek ushers in opportunities for financial gains, particularly through speculative ventures, investments, or professional achievements. This is an excellent time to explore new income streams or revisit financial strategies. By the weekend, you may receive unearned income, such as bonuses, inheritance, or returns on past investments. While these gains are exciting, it’s important to plan wisely and focus on building long-term stability. Avoid impulsive purchases and consider consulting a financial advisor to maximize your resources. Health and Well-being Health remains favorable for Pisces natives throughout the week, though stress from professional commitments might lead to occasional fatigue or minor ailments. Early in the week, spiritual practices like meditation or yoga can help maintain balance and keep your mind calm. Pay attention to maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated, as these simple habits will keep your energy levels high. Midweek, you may feel a surge in motivation to adopt healthier routines, whether through exercise or mindfulness practices. By the weekend, your overall well-being improves, making it a great time for outdoor activities or social engagements that rejuvenate your spirit.

    Price Improvement on Luxury Estate in Northern ColoradoTEHRAN – Esmaeil Baghaei, spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, stated that Tehran categorically condemns the recent terrorist attack on its consulate in Aleppo, Syria, adding that the country intends to pursue legal actions against the terrorist groups behind the attack. In a statement made on Saturday, Baghaei highlighted that "terrorist elements" targeted the consulate amid a resurgence of Takfiri terrorism in Syria. He criticized the violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which protects diplomatic missions from such attacks. Baghaei assured that all staff at the consulate were unharmed and in good health. Videos on social media surfaced Friday, allegedly showing terrorists storming the consulate. The attack was reportedly orchestrated by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a Takfiri group, which launched a major offensive in Aleppo and Idlib provinces on Wednesday, capturing several areas. Syrian forces are currently engaged in intense battles with the terrorists to reclaim control. Syria has faced foreign-backed terrorism since 2011, with Western countries and some regional countries supporting them. Israel has been identified as a key supporter of groups opposing President Bashar al-Assad's government since the conflict's onset. HTS, primarily operating in Idlib, maintains alleged ties with Turkey and reportedly receives backing from Western and Israeli intelligence. Despite efforts to rebrand, the group's Al-Qaeda roots and foreign affiliations remain central to its activities in Syria. The Aleppo attack follows a ceasefire in Israel's conflict with Lebanon, where Hezbollah resisted Israeli attempts to occupy southern regions of the Arab country.Betty White Forever: New stamp will honor the much-beloved 'Golden Girls' actor

    President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday said he would nominate Charles Kushner, a real estate developer and the father of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, as ambassador to France. “He is a tremendous business leader, philanthropist, & dealmaker, who will be a strong advocate representing our Country & its interests,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social announcing his intent to nominate Kushner to serve as ambassador. “Congratulations to Charlie, his wonderful wife Seryl, their 4 children, & 14 grandchildren,” Trump added in the post. The president-elect also mentioned his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump, in the post, highlighting the work Jared Kushner did in his first administration. “[Charles’] son, Jared, worked closely with me in the White House, in particular on Operation Warp Speed, Criminal Justice Reform, & the Abraham Accords. Together, we will strengthen America’s partnership with France, our oldest Ally, & one of our greatest!” the president-elect wrote on Saturday. In 2005, the elder Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison as part of a plea deal after he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering and making illegal campaign donations. Kushner was prosecuted by then-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, who later became the governor of New Jersey and a major Trump foe. Christie ran against Trump in the 2016 and 2024 Republican primaries. In 2019, while he was still governor, Christie called the Kushner case “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes that I prosecuted ... and I was the U.S. attorney in New Jersey.” In 2020, Trump pardoned Charles Kushner, o ne o f more than two dozen pardons the then-president issued after he lost his re-election bid.Drone operators worry anxiety over mystery sightings will lead to new restrictionsI'M A Celeb host Declan Donnelly was left red faced over a very embarrassing blunder live on TV last night. Presenters Ant and Dec appeared on the spin-off show on Friday night alongside Unpacked host Joel Dommett. Advertisement 4 Declan Donnelly made a very rude blunder on last night's Unpacked spin-off Credit: itv 4 The presenter described what the original camp was like back in 2002 4 But his vivid description left him red-faced Credit: itv Joel asked the duo what the original camp was like when the jungle show first started in 2002. Dec made a cheeky blunder by comparing it to a "really big bush", while also sticking two fingers up by mistake. Ant said: "It was a lot hotter," while Dec explained: "It was really thick thick bush, think under...thick jungle." Dec paused for a moment as he realised his mistake and awkwardly laughed. Advertisement READ MORE ON I'M A CELEB SOMETHING FISHY Reverend Richard gagging as he struggles to swallow fish eye on I'm A Celeb THAT'S AMOORE Jane Moore returns to I'm A Celeb hotel and reunites with Ruth Langsford Spin-off panel member Sam Thompson was left in hysterics as he covered his face with second-hand embarrassment. While Joel was also left howling, as Dec tried to clarify saying: "Thick jungle." Joel interjected: "The hand isn't helping," as Ant quipped: "Big bush, big bush." Ant then showed the camera two fingers and added: "Why are you doing that? Don't do, those two fingers combined are not good." Advertisement Most read in News TV BIG BREAK ‘Women would be safer if men were under curfew,’ actor on new house arrest show TELLY CLAIM MasterChef's Gregg Wallace steps aside as star accuses him of 'sexualised' joke TOP TELLY BBC Scotland's Christmas schedule revealed - including Sir Alex Ferguson doc BALLSED UP Lorraine apologises on air for using phrase she 'didn't know' was a swear word The hosts were left crying with laughter, with Ant yelling: "Just show a clip of it, don't get us talking about it...Dec and his big bush." It comes after Loose Women and Sun Columnist Jane Moore became the first celebrity to be eliminated. I’m a Celeb’s Jane Moore insists she would have done ‘every trial’ as she addresses ‘feud’ with Dean While some have accused ITV of “choosing the winner already ” as they hit out at a “campaign” for a star on the show. Viewers have noticed that during the I’m A Celebrity ad breaks, there are adverts for Coleen Rooney’s Wagatha documentary. Advertisement Disney+ released the news that it would be launching Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story on October 18 of last year. And promoting the three-parter during the ad breaks, ITV’s ad sees Coleen pictured wearing a striking pink suit and holding her phone. She sits in front of a background of newspaper headlines. The documentary was created after Coleen sensationally accused her Wag rival Becky of leaking stories about her in a dramatic social media post. Advertisement Now, fans of I’m A Celeb have accused ITV of “choosing the winner” as Coleen, who is currently starring on the show, has a TV show being advertised in between. On social media, one person wrote: “I feel like there is a campaign to push Colleen to be Queen of the Jungle especially with the documentary commercials about her. Is it a fix for her to win?” Someone else said: “Oh these Coleen ad breaks must be a ploy to get her to win the show.” Read more on the Scottish Sun SIP SIP HOORAY Exact time Coca-Cola truck arrives in Scotland tomorrow for Xmas tour FESTIVE CHEER Scots Xmas market tops London's Winter Wonderland as 'most stunning' in UK Coleen has been very frank when it comes to discussing her personal life while in the jungle. Advertisement On Friday night, Coleen bravely opened up on her miscarriages and shared her story during a conversation with I'm a Celebrity stars Oti Mabuse and GK Barry . 4 Unpacked host Joel Dommett was also left in hysterics at Dec's cheeky remark

    White House says at least 8 US telecom firms, dozens of nations impacted by China hacking campaignThough fatSu creators Phyllis Jager and Barry Terach come from two entirely different worlds and backgrounds, they share the goal of actualizing a better way for people to understand and embrace one another, and they've joined forces to demonstrate these ideals via their newly-birthed social hero, fatSu. fatSu's whimsical antics bring joy and a sense of acceptance to all as she spreads the message that everyone should feel comfortable in their own bodies regardless of who they are or what they look like. Through their many principled initiatives, PJ and Barry are striving to battle a variety of social affronts that affect us all on a daily basis. For instance, their UNH8 cause provides a tangible, contractual way for people to commit themselves to stopping hate, and Be A Better Citizen provides opportunities for everyone to educate and equip themselves with tools that can improve both their confidence as well as the lives of those around them. fatSu is one of PJ's and Barry's star ambassadors determined to demonstrate compassion and acceptance throughout the cosmos. By supporting numerous zuMedia campaigns, her crusade is to lead the way and promote admirable virtues such as kindness and decency through her huge-hearted benevolence. On the fatSu website, users can learn about fatSu's origins and of her message, and purchase fatSu merchandise such as exquisite fatSu fragrances including her flagship scent "Iconic" , fatSu apparel and fatSu plushies. Visitors to the website can also download fatSu animated shorts and music. Additional fatSu videos can be found at the @HappenstanceManor page on TikTok. zuMedia Inc. is an innovative company that seeks to create groundbreaking technologies which can level the playing field for consumers, all with a sense of fun and the goal of allocating a substantial portion of its revenue to support humanitarian causes. In addition to its patented BACKSKIN advertising technology, zuMedia is the company behind the social and streaming platform. Soon to be released projects include , the goal of which is to change the way consumers buy and sell their homes, and , a platform on which users can debate issues ranging from current events to the best way to clean a dirty pan. zuMedia can be found at . For more information, contact Phyllis Jager at View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE zuMedia Inc.

    WASHINGTON — Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday that the Federal Reserve's ability to set interest rates free of political interference is necessary for it to make decisions to serve “all Americans” rather than a political party or political outcome. Speaking at the New York Times’ DealBook summit, Powell addressed a question about President-elect Donald Trump's numerous public criticisms of the Fed and of Powell himself. During the election campaign, Trump had insisted that as president, he should have a “say” in the Fed's interest rate policies. In his remarks Wednesday, Powell said, “We’re supposed to achieve maximum employment and price stability for the benefit of all Americans and keep out of politics completely." Despite Trump's comments, the Fed chair said he was confident of widespread support in Congress for maintaining the central bank's independence. “I’m not concerned," he said, “that there’s some risk that that we would lose our statutory independence. “There’s very, very broad support for that set of ideas in Congress, in both political parties, on both side of the Hill.” On the topic of interest rates, Powell said the Fed can afford to cut its benchmark rate cautiously, because the economy is doing better than the Fed thought it was in September, when it collectively predicted four rate cuts in 2025 after three cuts in 2024. “We’re not quite there on inflation, but we’re making progress,” Powell said. “We can afford to be a little more cautious." The Fed has been aiming to deliver a “soft landing” for the economy, whereby the central bank's interest rate hikes manage to help reduce inflation to its 2% target without causing a recession. History has shown it's a rare and difficult feat. Yet the economy appears largely on track for such an outcome. The job market has slowed. And inflation is down sharply, though in recent months it has remained stuck modestly above the Fed's target, which could make the policymakers reluctant to cut rates much further. Several other Fed officials have said this week that they expect to keep reducing rates, without committing to a reduction at their next meeting later this month. On Monday, Christopher Waller, an influential member of the Fed's Board of Directors, said he was “leaning” toward a rate cut when the central bank meets in two weeks. Waller added, though, that if forthcoming data on inflation or hiring appears worse than the Fed expects, he might favor keeping rates unchanged. On Tuesday, Mary Daly, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said she supported further lowering rates, without commenting specifically on a timetable. “Whether it’ll be in December or some time later, that’s a question we’ll have a chance to debate and discuss at our next meeting,” Daly said in an interview on Fox Business News. "But the point is, we have to keep policy moving down to accommodate the economy because we want a durable expansion with low inflation.”MIAMI — Lionel Messi, fresh off accepting his MLS MVP trophy, kicked off the holiday season by traveling 6,870 miles to Azerbaijan this week and brought along teammates Luis Suarez, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba for a private charity event in the capital city of Baku. Azerbaijan is a landlocked country in Southwestern Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, Iran, Russia, Georgia, and Turkey. Messi and his friends attended a gathering on Wednesday at the Crystal Hall, a famous music and sports venue. The event included a concert featuring French singer Willy William and Romanian group Morandi. The Argentine legend received a personalized rug with an image of himself lifting the World Cup trophy. “I have discovered the culture and the people of Azerbaijan,” Messi said. “Thank you for the warm greeting. Thank you very much for the support.” Messi, Suárez, Busquets and Alba also paid a visit and laid flowers at the tomb of former Azerbaijani leader Heydar Aliyev, on the eve of the 21st anniversary of his death Dec. 12, 2003. That part of the visit drew some criticism on social media from opponents of Aliyev’s regime. Inter Miami vs. Club America in Las Vegas? Speaking of travel, Inter Miami managing owner Jorge Mas said last week that the club is not planning another four-country, seven-game globetrotting preseason tour, as it did last year. The team played in El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and Japan in early 2024 and wound up dealing with injuries to a few players and a controversy when Messi sustained an injury and was unable to play in Hong Kong. Mas said the team does plan a trip abroad in early 2025, but it will be a more compact itinerary, and that a high-profile game was being planned in the United States. Deporte Total USA reported that Inter Miami will play Mexican power Club America in Las Vegas and that the game is tentatively set for Jan. 18. An MLS source confirmed that Inter Miami and Club America are in talks about a game, but details had not been finalized. Also, the club announced it will play a friendly match against Orlando City in Tampa on Feb. 14. CJ Dos Santos traded to San Diego FC Inter Miami traded backup goalkeeper CJ dos Santos to expansion club San Diego FC in exchange for $100,000 in 2025 general allocation money (GAM). Dos Santos, 24, signed for Inter Miami ahead of the 2022 MLS season. He made three appearances for the first team — two in MLS and one in the Leagues Cup, in which he kept a clean sheet against Mexican side Club Puebla in 2024 — and 28 matches for Inter Miami II in MLS NEXT Pro. New ‘Fortitude’ jersey unveiled Inter Miami on Thursday released its new “Fortitude” away jersey for the 2025 season. It has black and granite-gray blocks with the trademark pink trim. The club explained in a press release that the name came from the Latin word “Fortis,” which means strength, and the Spanish word “Fortaleza,” which stands for resilience and determination. This shirt also serves as a tribute to Fort Lauderdale, “a city that has become a fortress for Inter Miami CF and the stage for some of the Club’s most significant milestones”. This coming season will be the team’s final season in Fort Lauderdale before moving to Miami Freedom Park in 2026. The new kits are on sale at the team store at Chase Stadium beginning Thursday (Dec. 12), while supplies last. It is also available online at and . Royal Caribbean, the club’s official jersey partner, will soon have the jersey available for purchase on its ships. ©2024 Miami Herald. Visit . Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.



    Do You Think Malaysia Outpacing Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka in Welcoming the Indian Tourists? Everything You Need To Know About

    Breakthrough in treatment approach showing promise in the fight against glioblastoma December 16, 2024 Mayo Clinic Medical researchers have announced the results of an innovative treatment approach that may offer improvement in overall survival in older patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma while maintaining quality of life. Glioblastoma is the most lethal type of primary brain cancer due to its aggressive nature and its treatment-resistant characteristics. It is the most common form of primary brain cancer. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIN Email Mayo Clinic announces the results of an innovative treatment approach that may offer improvement in overall survival in older patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma while maintaining quality of life. Glioblastoma is the most lethal type of primary brain cancer due to its aggressive nature and its treatment-resistant characteristics. It is the most common form of primary brain cancer. Each year an estimated 14,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the disease. Results of Mayo Clinic's phase 2, single-arm study are published in The Lancet Oncology . Sujay Vora, M.D., radiation oncologist at Mayo Clinic, led a team of researchers investigating the use of short-course hypofractionated proton beam therapy incorporating advanced imaging techniques in patients over the age of 65 with newly diagnosed World Health Organization (WHO) grade 4, malignant glioblastoma. Results showed that 56% of participants were alive after 12 months and the median overall survival was 13.1 months." As compared to prior phase 3 studies in an older population having a median survival of only six to nine months, these results are promising," says Dr. Vora. "In some cases, patients with tumors that have favorable genetics lived even longer, with a median survival of 22 months. We are very excited about these results." Glioblastoma is among the most challenging cancers to treat. The disease invades healthy brain tissue with hairlike tentacles, making surgical removal intricate. Surgeons must carefully balance removing as much of the tumor as possible while avoiding harm to critical areas of the brain responsible for essential functions such as movement and speech. Additionally, the tumor's cellular composition and its ability to evade therapies further challenge treatment efforts. Standard radiation therapy is commonly used to treat glioblastoma and can be effective. However, a limitation is that it also exposes healthy brain tissue to radiation, potentially causing collateral, unintended damage. For the Mayo Clinic study, investigators used one of the most innovative and advanced forms of radiation treatment, called proton beam therapy. The cutting-edge, nonsurgical form of radiation therapy destroys cancer cells with targeted precision while minimizing side effects to surrounding healthy tissue. Mayo investigators mapped the target area in the patient's brain by combining the advanced imaging technologies, including 18 F-DOPA PET and contrast-enhanced MRI. "Combining advanced imaging allowed us to determine the most metabolically active, or aggressive, regions of the glioblastoma," says Dr. Vora. Treatment was completed in one to two weeks instead of the traditional three to six weeks. "The advanced imaging along with the proton beam therapy allowed us to be more focused with radiation and protect surrounding healthy brain tissue from the effects of radiation. We were able to see that patients tolerated the treatments well and lived longer than we expected." According to Dr. Vora, the study at Mayo Clinic is the first clinical trial of its kind investigating the use of short-course hypofractionated proton beam therapy incorporating advanced imaging technology, including 18 F-DOPA PET and contrast-enhanced MRI targeting, for patients 65 and older with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. The study included patients from Arizona and Minnesota. One of the study participants, Richard Casper, lived nearly two years longer than his prognosis. "I feel great. If someone didn't tell me I had the glioblastoma, I wouldn't even know it," reported Casper after undergoing treatment. He succumbed to the disease in 2023. "We miss our dad dearly," says his daughter, Susan Casper. "We will forever be grateful for the extra time we had with our father. The time gave us a chance to make memories that will last us a lifetime. It was also important to my father to participate in this study in hopes of helping others fight glioblastoma." A larger, randomized clinical trial is now underway at Mayo Clinic. One of the study participants is Nadya El-Afandi, a wife and mother of four, who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. She was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2022. El-Afandi is now 15 months post-treatment with no sign of glioblastoma. "I feel wonderful," says El-Afandi. "I've had my fourth MRI, and we're not seeing any return of the glioblastoma." El-Afandi is back to her regular activities and just returned from a trip to Hawaii, where she spent time snorkeling and hiking. "We are living on the edge of medical miracles, and we are riding that tide. There's no cure for glioblastoma yet, but I've been able to take advantage of this medical opportunity, and it has given me a quality of life that is just outstanding," adds El-Afandi. While El-Afandi's results are encouraging, William Breen, M.D., radiation oncologist and principal investigator of the current study says it is too early to draw any conclusions about the safety and efficacy of the treatment until the study is complete. "Our goal is to transform the way we treat glioblastoma using shorter courses of radiation to minimize the burden on patients and their families and help them complete safe and effective treatment in a shorter amount of time." The clinical trial, known as SAGA, or stereotactic ablative radiation treatment for glioblastoma, includes patients from Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. "We are now adding another component that builds upon Dr. Vora's work to help us best visualize the tumor," says Dr. Breen. Meanwhile El-Afandi is focusing on living her life to the fullest. "I'm so grateful," says El-Afandi. "Every day is the best day, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it." The study was funded by Mayo Clinic Marley Endowment Funds and the Lawrence W. and Marilyn W. Matteson Fund in Cancer Research. Story Source: Materials provided by Mayo Clinic . Original written by Marty Velasco Hames. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Journal Reference : Cite This Page :Providence, Oklahoma hope key players are back in Bahamas

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    RE Royalties Announces 2024 Annual General Meeting and Update on Meeting MaterialsSyrian government services come to ‘complete halt’ as workers stay at homeAndrews 0-0 0-0 0, Newton 5-5 0-0 10, Kas.Watson 8-18 0-1 16, Robinson 7-18 2-2 16, Smith 5-15 2-6 14, Somerville 3-4 0-0 6, Perkins 2-6 0-0 4, Surgers 0-0 0-0 0, Kar.Watson 0-0 0-0 0, Clemmons 0-1 0-0 0, James 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 30-67 4-9 66. Adebayo 5-10 5-5 16, Cordilia 7-10 0-0 14, Hobbs 2-7 1-3 7, Lipscomb 2-8 2-3 6, Pacheco 4-5 2-2 14, Ard 5-7 4-4 14, Ervin 1-4 0-1 2, Keyes 0-2 0-0 0, Khadre Kebe 1-4 0-0 3, Wilson 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-57 14-18 76. Halftime_Mount St. Mary's 38-31. 3-Point Goals_Delaware St. 2-13 (Smith 2-10, Perkins 0-1, Robinson 0-1, Kas.Watson 0-1), Mount St. Mary's 8-20 (Pacheco 4-5, Hobbs 2-5, Khadre Kebe 1-1, Adebayo 1-3, Ervin 0-2, Keyes 0-2, Lipscomb 0-2). Rebounds_Delaware St. 33 (Kas.Watson, Smith, Somerville 6), Mount St. Mary's 33 (Adebayo, Cordilia 7). Assists_Delaware St. 7 (Smith, Perkins 2), Mount St. Mary's 17 (Hobbs 8). Total Fouls_Delaware St. 18, Mount St. Mary's 17. A_1,590 (3,500).

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    TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Tampa Bay’s bid for a fourth straight NFC South title and fifth consecutive playoff berth is gaining momentum. Back-to-back wins over a pair of last-place teams , combined with Atlanta’s three-game losing streak, have propelled the Bucs (6-6) to a tie atop the division. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings.Harry and Meghan’s polo docuseries to highlight ‘grit behind the glamour’Cardiff City manager Omer Riza says midfielder Aaron Ramsey is "a long way off" a return from injury. The Wales midfielder has been out with a hamstring injury, and has not featured since the Bluebirds' 2-0 defeat to Middlesbrough on 31 August. Ramsey, who only managed nine starts for Cardiff during an injury hit 2023-24 season, is out of contract at the end of this season. And Riza would not say if Ramsey will make another appearance for Cardiff this campaign. "It is important we get him to the point where he's training consistently," said Riza. "Then we can look at whether he plays. "There have been a few reoccurrences, so it would be unfair of me to put pressure on him." Cardiff missed the chance to get out of the Championship's relegation zone on Wednesday evening, losing 2-0 at home to Preston North End. It is now six games without a win for Riza's side who find themselves in a relegation battle. In early October, Riza said the Wales star only had "three or four more weeks" of rehab, so this latest news is a huge setback. "It's frustrating for him, frustrating for me, the club and the fans," added Riza. "They are not just players, they are people as well. He will get through it and then we can assess." The Bluebirds are back in Championship action on Saturday as they look to return to winning ways against Stoke City.

    CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Bryce Thompson scored 17 points, Marchelus Avery had 15 points and eight rebounds, and Oklahoma State beat Miami 80-74 on Friday in the consolation bracket of the Charleston Classic. Oklahoma State (4-1) will play in the fifth-place game on Sunday, while Miami (3-2) will try to avoid going winless in the tournament. Oklahoma State led 43-27 at halftime after making 8 of 15 from 3-point range, while Miami was just 8 of 27 overall. Four different Cowboys made a 3-pointer in the first half, with Brandon Newman making three. Thompson banked in a shot early in the second half to give Oklahoma State a 20-point lead at 49-29. Miami, which opened the game by missing 7 of 8 shots, went 1 for 8 from the field to begin the second half. Miami trailed by double figures the entire second half until Matthew Cleveland made a difficult shot in the lane while being fouled. He made the free throw to pull the Hurricanes within 75-67 with 49 seconds left. Arturo Dean restored a double-digit lead by making two free throws at 43.8. Thompson reached the 1,000 career points with the Cowboys on a shot in the lane with 13:01 left in the second half to give Oklahoma State a 55-38 lead. Nijel Pack scored 20 points and Brandon Johnson had 12 points and 10 rebounds for Miami. Cleveland finished with 11 points, and Lynn Kidd and Paul Djobet each had 10. ___ Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college basketball: and

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    UConn's Dan Hurley Blames 'S--ty Calls' for Loss to Memphis; Technical Foul a 'Joke'More than 72 million people are expected to shop during Cyber Monday, according to the National Retail Federation . The end-of-year shopping surge provides a major boost for retailers. "The last six weeks of the year makes a big difference," said Brian Miller, owner of Geppetto's Toys in San Diego. "It can make or break your year as a retailer." Retailers already got a major bump from Black Friday spending. Consumers spent a record $10.8 billion online on Friday, according to Adobe Analytics . That's up more than 10% from last year. "It's not only bonanza for the shoppers, but it's bonanza for the stores," said Professor Alan Gin of the University of San Diego's Knauss School of Business. "People have just gotten a misconception of what was happening. Yes, prices are up, but in this recent time period here, what we've seen is that wages have risen faster than prices have increased. So, people's real incomes have gone up." Last month, consumer confidence hit its highest level in more than a year, according to the Conference Board, a nonprofit that tracks business and consumer sentiment. RELATED STORY | 'Essentially, I just gifted a scammer $100': Gift card draining costing shoppers and retailers Americans are paying with plastic for a lot of their shopping. According to a survey from the National Retail Federation, 39% of shoppers said they plan to use credit cards for their holiday spending. More than one in four shoppers say they plan to take on some debt during the holidays — either by carrying a credit card balance or using a buy now, pay later service, according to Bankrate . American credit card debt hit a record $1.17 trillion in the third quarter of this year. Experts say setting a budget and sticking to it can help people from overspending and taking on debt during the holidays.


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hahaha 777 casino The Ukrainian president said the use of a ballistic missile to hit Dnipro was a “clear and severe escalation in the scale and brutality of this war” and he warned that Russian president Mr Putin would attack or destabilise other countries unless stopped. Mr Putin said the use of the new weapon was in response to the UK and US allowing missiles they have supplied to Ukraine to be used to strike targets in Russia. “In response to the use of American and British long-range weapons on November 21 of this year, the Russian armed forces launched a combined strike on one of the facilities of the Ukrainian defence industry,” Mr Putin said in a televised address. “One of the newest Russian medium-range missile systems was tested in combat conditions, in this case, with a ballistic missile in a non-nuclear hypersonic warhead.” He added: “We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against military facilities of those countries that allow their weapons to be used against our facilities.” But Mr Zelensky urged world leaders – his “dear partners” – not to be cowed by Mr Putin’s actions otherwise there will be “endless Russian strikes” and “not just against Ukraine”. “A lack of tough reactions to Russia’s actions sends a message that such behavior is acceptable,” the Ukrainian president said on X, formerly Twitter. “This is what Putin is doing. Putin must feel the cost of his deranged ambitions. “Response is needed. Pressure is needed. Russia must be forced into real peace, which can only be achieved through strength. “Otherwise, there will be endless Russian strikes, threats, and destabilisation-not just against Ukraine.” The UK is believed to have allowed its Storm Shadow missiles to be used by Ukrainian forces within the Kursk region of Russia, while the US has given permission for its ATACMS weapons to be fired at targets in Mr Putin’s country. Mr Putin confirmed Russia has tested the new intermediate-range weapon in an attack on Dnipro in response. The US said the weapon was a new, experimental intermediate-range missile based on Russia’s existing RS-26 Rubezh intercontinental ballistic missile. In Westminster, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “My understanding is that it is the first time that Russia has used a ballistic missile in Ukraine with a range of several thousand kilometres.” Defence Secretary John Healey said it was “yet another example of Putin’s recklessness”. He said: “Since the illegal invasion of Ukraine began, Russia has consistently and irresponsibly escalated the conflict while Ukraine continues to fight in self-defence for a democratic future.” The missile’s range far outstrips that of newly authorised US and British-supplied weapons, which can hit targets around 250-300km away. The distance from Moscow to London is around 2,500km, suggesting the range of the new missile could threaten the UK. Mr Healey said the UK knew Russia had been “preparing for months” to fire a new ballistic missile. Downing Street and the Ministry of Defence have repeatedly declined to comment publicly on Ukraine’s use of Storm Shadow. “It risks both operational security and in the end the only one that benefits from such a public debate is President Putin,” Mr Healey told MPs. The head of the UK’s armed forces, Chief of the Defence Staff Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, met Mr Zelensky in Kyiv to discuss the war on Thursday. Mr Zelensky said: “We discussed defence co-operation between Ukraine and the United Kingdom, focusing on developing and enhancing the technological capabilities of the armed forces of Ukraine. “Particular attention was given to Ukraine’s current military needs and the continued support from our partners.”The NWSL championship on CBS Television Network on Saturday averaged 967,900 viewers in primetime, making it the most-watched NWSL game and punctuating what has been one of the most-watched seasons in league history, the league announced Tuesday. The championship game, which saw Marta and the top-ranked Orlando Pride defeat the No.2 Washington Spirit , 1-0, drew in 18 percent more viewers compared to last year’s title game, and marked a 6 percent jump from the 2022 championship, according to the NWSL. The match peaked at 1.1 million viewers on Saturday, despite being up against college football. Advertisement The record viewership can be traced to the league’s historic $240 million media rights deal reached last year, which brought more games to more networks than ever before. Ahead of the league’s title game in Kansas City, NWSL Commissioner Jessica Berman reflected on Year 1 of this media landscape. The league’s goals were twofold, she said: To reset the value of its “live rights” and increase distribution of NWSL games. “The impact of what we’ve seen has been exactly what we had hoped for,” she said, announcing that total regular season viewership reached a cumulative 14 million viewers, a 285 percent jump year-over-over, with more than 2 million people tuning in over the last two weeks to watch six games of the NWSL playoffs. “We have to remind ourselves that it was just last year that none of our games were available to watch on national TV,” Berman said. “So, looking at all of that, we’re really excited about continuing to build our audience and make sure that more and more people get the opportunity to sample and come into our fan funnel and convert them to be the avid fans that have known and loved the NWSL for the last 12 seasons.” The league said Tuesday that total viewership across Nielsen-rated platforms in 2024 reached 18.7 million, a fivefold gain from the 2023 season. The league’s seven postseason linear telecasts also drew an average of 562,900 viewers, for an audience of 4.6 million across the playoffs. The league’s Skills Challenge also averaged an impressive 1,537,720 viewers on Sunday, making it the most-viewed non- NFL sports event that day. Last year, the NWSL signed a record $240 million deal with ESPN, CBS Sports, Prime Video and Scripps Sports, which owns ION Network. It was a significant jump from their previous three-year deal with CBS, worth a total of $4.5 million. Advertisement The new deal was a major win for the league, capitalizing on the growing interest in women’s sports and soccer in the United States. Because the deal expires in four years, it also gives the NWSL the chance to raise the stakes even more during renegotiations, which, coincidently, happen on the cusp of the next 2027 World Cup in nearby Brazil. In interviews with The Athletic , each of the media partners described their rookie season under this new media landscape as a major success. There were some highlights, like when all the networks banded together to air Alex Morgan’s final game on every network. Or, when ION hosted a studio show live from Wrigley Field for a Chicago Red Stars home game. The playoffs are likely to set record viewership numbers, too. CBS is the only network to have partnered with the NWSL previously. In the five years since the networks first partnered, the league has grown tenfold. This season, that growth trajectory only continued upward. “What we’ve seen this season is real growth from the league,” said Dan Weinberg, executive vice president of programming at CBS Sports. “We’ve seen growth in their fan base, growth in their franchises, growth in their attendance, growth in their national appeal, high-profile ownership groups, new franchises that have successfully launched, with more expansion to come.” The culmination of that growth could be felt at last week’s sold-out semifinal match between the Washington Spirit and Gotham FC , Weinberg said. The match is sure to be remembered as one of the most exciting games in NWSL history. There was a stunning opening goal from Gotham’s Esther Gonzales, followed by a stoppage-time equalizer from Hal Hershfelt that sent the game into overtime. Then, the Spirit’s Aubrey Kingsbury saved three penalties in a row to send her team through to the championship. Advertisement “You got 20,000 fans screaming their heads off at Audi Field,” said Weinberg, who was in Washington, D.C. that day. “It almost felt to me like that whole scene and that whole day was a microcosm of the success that the league has experienced this season.” CBS will air this weekend’s championship game. The game will be highlighted by some new broadcast elements: more cameras, live drone coverage, enhanced player tracking and telestration, as well as around-the-clock coverage before, during and after the game. This season marked ESPN, Prime Video and Scripps’ inaugural year partnering with the NWSL, building off what CBS started. It may have been confusing for loyal viewers to navigate so many new networks this year, but the group, and the league, were intentional with their scheduling for the 2024 year. Together, they established “franchise nights,” giving fans a consistent destination to watch games each week. Friday night games were on Amazon Prime, and two national double-headers featured on ION on Saturday nights. CBS and ESPN featured games on Saturdays and Sundays. Any game that was not aired on those channels was streamed on NWSL+, the league’s own streaming channel. Prime Video had the benefit of having one year of streaming Thursday Night Football, or TNF games, under its belt. The NFL has mastered the art of drawing viewers to their screens several nights a week – in the case of Sundays, for an entire day. “TNF has inspired a lot of our choices in other productions,” said Betsy Riley, a senior coordinating producer with Prime Video, speaking from Cleveland earlier this week while gearing up for the Cleveland Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers game. Like with TNF, the announcers for NWSL traveled on-site for their productions. “It was really important to establish trust, and part of our strategy to do that was to put our announce team on site every week,” Riley said. “We thought that was a really effective way for ‘announce team’ to get closer to the stories, get closer to the players, and really bring the fan at home, closer to the pitch. So, I think as we reflect, that was a winning strategy, and something we’re really proud of.” Advertisement One of those announcers was Lori Lindsey, a retired player with an expansive career that includes stints with the Washington Spirit and U.S. national team. She described on The Athletic’s “Full Time with Meg Linehan” podcast her experience working with Prime. “We historically haven’t had (Friday night games) consistently, so I think that’s been fun for viewers,” Lindsey said. “It just opens up another night for viewers to be able to watch.” Being on site, like Riley said, has also been a game-changer. “That builds rapport with teams, that builds rapport with the players,” Lindsey said. The “driving force” for Prime, though, she says, was their powerful storytelling. “They had a year under their belt with TNF and very much treat the NWSL in the same way in terms of – we want to build up the stories, we want to build up the players and who they are,’ and allow the viewer a really in-depth understanding of the excellence of these players and who they are, not just on the field, off the field,” Lindsey said. For Scripps, ION already had experience working with the WNBA , after entering bullishly into the women’s sports sector last year. The company inked a three-year deal with the WNBA to show Friday night doubleheaders of live WNBA games, creating a destination for women’s sports fans on a network not usually known for sports. To support their initiatives with both leagues, the company built a new studio in Atlanta. “We took a big risk two years ago, because there had never been sports on ION,” said Scripps Sports President Brian Lawlor. “We knew that the regular viewers were going to be like, ‘Wait a second, what is this?’ But I thought that women’s sports were a nice compliment to the existing audience base.” It seems Lawlor was right, as ION recently said its broadcast reached more than 20.5 million unique viewers this season. Advertisement Part of their success, Lawlor said, was through documentary-style storytelling, and building off their success with the WNBA. “We’re trying to work with the leagues to just find different ways to make the players more visible, to make their game more visible to let everyone get to see the energy associated with it,” Lawlor said. “The fact that we have the WNBA and the NWSL on subsequent nights, allows them to really build off of each other and really have a place that’s now being known as the home for professional women’s sports.” This growing interest in women’s sports is what helped ESPN land two key sponsors, Ally and CarMax, ahead of the 2024 season. Their investment helped bolster their NWSL coverage and was a “game changer,” said Sonia Gomez Baker, vice president of programming and acquisitions for ESPN. For the first-generation Mexican-American who grew up playing it, growing access to women’s soccer through ESPN is deeply personal. While she manages all soccer properties at the network, she said, “The support I saw for NWSL from the beginning, internally, is something that, for me, from a soccer perspective, was very refreshing.” She referenced Marta ’s goal in the semifinal game against Kansas City Current , and how ESPN distributed replays across multiple platforms. Then there was the moment “Triple Espresso” became a household name, following the Paris Games, and carrying into the NWSL season. ESPN also recently inked a one-year deal with the Women’s Super League to broadcast live coverage of the league in the U.S., South America and the Caribbean, which she explains shows the growing interest in women’s soccer. “We are just seeing the effects of the growth of the women’s game and the popularity,” Gomez Baker said. “NWSL, for us, it’s one of our crown jewels in our soccer portfolio... and we just want to continue to grow the game overall.” Advertisement “We need to keep the game and the players and the league and the clubs in that everyday conversation, and so personally, for me, that’s a big goal,” she continued. “I just feel like it’s never been easier.” The NWSL has long been must-see television – just think of last year’s NWSL Championship, when Gotham’s goalkeeper Mandy Haught was issued a red card in stoppage time, forcing defender Nealy Martin to swap into goal with just seconds left in a 2-1 match against OL Reign. Or in 2022, when Lo’eau Labonta’s twerk celebration went viral and stars like Travis Kelce mimicked her. The examples are countless. The only difference now is more people are watching. When thinking about what success looks like at the end of this four-year deal, Weinberg, with CBS Sports, put it bluntly: “We don’t have to wait until the end of the media deal to see that. We’re seeing success right now. We’re optimistic and we’re excited about how the partnership can continue to succeed and grow over the next several years, and it’s going to be a showcase this weekend.” (Top photo: Bill Barrett / Getty Images)

    KyKy Tandy scored a season-high 21 points that included a key 3-pointer in a late second-half surge as Florida Atlantic roared back to beat Oklahoma State 86-78 on Thursday in the opening round of the Charleston Classic in Charleston, S.C. Florida Atlantic (4-2) advances to play Drake in the semifinal round on Friday while the Cowboys square off against Miami in the consolation semifinal contest, also Friday. Oklahoma State led by as many as 10 points in the first half before securing a five-point advantage at halftime. The Owls surged back and moved in front with four and a half minutes to play. It was part of an 11-1 run, capped by a 3-pointer from Tandy that made it 75-68 with 2:41 remaining. Ken Evans added 14 points for Florida Atlantic, with Leland Walker hitting for 13 and Tre Carroll scoring 11. The Owls went 35-of-49 from the free throw line as the teams combined for 56 fouls in the game, 33 by Oklahoma State. Khalil Brantley led Oklahoma State (3-1) with 16 points while Robert Jennings added 14 points and 11 rebounds for the Cowboys, who hit one field goal over a 10-minute stretch of the second half while having three players foul out. The Owls were up by as many as seven points in the early minutes and by 13-10 after a layup by Carroll at the 11:32 mark of the first half. Oklahoma State leapfrogged to the front on Abou Ousmane's layup off a Brantley steal, fell behind again on a 3-pointer by Evans and then responded on a 3-pointer by Jennings to take a 17-16 lead. From there, the Cowboys stoked their advantage to double digits when Jamyron Keller canned a shot from beyond the arc with five minutes to play in the half. Florida Atlantic got a layup and a monster dunk from Matas Vokietaitis and a pair of free throws from Walker in a 6-2 run to end the half to pull within 39-34 at the break. Jennings and Ousmane tallied seven points apiece for Oklahoma State over the first 20 minutes, as the Cowboys led despite shooting just 33.3 percent from the floor in the half. Carroll and Vokietaitis scored seven points apiece to pace the Owls, who committed 11 turnovers that translated to seven points for Oklahoma State before halftime. --Field Level Media

    NEW YORK (AP) — Kaapo Kaako scored a power-play goal with 24 seconds left, and the New York Rangers stopped a five-game slide by topping the Montreal Canadiens 4-3 on Saturday. Artemi Panarin, Vincent Trocheck and Mika Zibanejad also scored for the Rangers, who got their first win since a 4-3 victory at Vancouver on Nov. 19. Adam Fox had two assists, and Jonathan Quick made 25 saves. With Montreal’s Kirby Dach serving a four-minute, high-sticking penalty, Kaako got his fourth goal of the season. The Canadiens trailed 3-1 after two periods. But Cole Caufield scored his 14th goal 4:16 into the third and Nick Suzuki tied it at 14:07. Trocheck tipped the puck past Montreal goaltender Sam Montembeault at 19:56 to put New York ahead after Panarin and Montreal’s Mike Matheson scored earlier in the first. Panarin put the Rangers ahead at 9:02, scoring on a 5-on-3 for New York’s first power-play goal since Nov. 12 at home against Winnipeg. Matheson tied it at 11:47. Montembault made 24 saves for Montreal. Takeaways Canadiens: dropped to 3-7-1 on the road. Rangers: Forwards Chris Kreider and Filip Chytil returned to the lineup. Kreider missed three games with an upper-body injury while Chytil was out for seven after colliding with teammate K’Andre Miller on Nov. 14. Reilly Smith and Jonny Brodzinski were scratched. Key moment Seeking an early spark, New York captain Jacob Trouba fought Montreal’s Josh Anderson 1:58 into the contest. It appeared to give the Rangers a collective jolt that was missing in recent games. Key stat The Rangers are 11-1-0 when scoring first. It was the 1,700th home win in franchise history. Up next The Canadiens visit the Boston Bruins on Sunday. The Rangers host the New Jersey Devils on Monday. ___ AP NHL: Allan Kreda, The Associated PressMONTREAL — Bryan Rust scored three goals and the Pittsburgh Penguins scored six times in the third period to rout the Montreal Canadiens 9-2 on Thursday night. Rust scored twice in the second period and again midway through the third for his sixth career hat trick. Rickard Rakell had two goals and two assists for Pittsburgh. Kris Letang, Anthony Beauvillier, Matt Nieto and Noel Acciari also scored in the third as fans at Bell Centre booed and left early. Sidney Crosby had three assists to reach 1,026 in his career and surpass Gordie Howe (1,023) for fifth most with one NHL franchise. Tristan Jarry stopped 21 shots, bouncing back after allowing five goals in Pittsburgh’s 6-2 loss to Colorado on Tuesday. The Penguins have won six of eight. Nick Suzuki and Joel Armia scored for Montreal, which wrapped up a 3-2 homestand. Sam Montembeault made 20 saves on 26 shots in his fifth straight start before getting the hook after allowing three third-period goals. Cayden Primeau stopped four of seven in relief. Montreal Canadiens' goaltender Sam Montembeault (35) makes a save in front of Pittsburgh Penguins' Rickard Rakell (67) and Bryan Rust (17) as Canadiens' Arber Xhekaj (72) and Josh Anderson (17) defend during the first period of an NHL hockey game, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024 in Montreal. Credit: AP/Christinne Muschi Takeaways Penguins: Rust scored twice in a span of 3:24 midway through the second period as Pittsburgh built a 3-1 lead. The Penguins entered the third with a 3-2 advantage. Canadiens: Montreal failed to convert several scoring chances, including breakaways from Christian Dvorak and Alex Newhook. Key moment Letang set up Rust on the power play 4:18 into the first period to tie the game at 1-all. The play made up for a costly turnover that led to Suzuki’s opening goal two minutes in. Key stat Lane Hutson’s franchise-record point streak by a rookie Montreal defenseman ended at seven games. He set up Dvorak and Josh Anderson during a dazzling shift midway through the first period, but couldn’t extend his run to eight games. Pittsburgh Penguins' Sidney Crosby (87) skates past Montreal Canadiens' Mike Matheson (8) during the third period of an NHL hockey game, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024 in Montreal. Credit: AP/Christinne Muschi Up next Penguins: At Ottawa on Saturday night. Canadiens: At Winnipeg on Saturday night.

    Coal and gas-fired power plants will stay open for longer under the coalition's $330 billion nuclear transition plan. or signup to continue reading Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has pledged to build seven publicly-owned nuclear power plants across the country, with predictions the first will come online from the mid-to-late 2030s - a timeline rubbished by some experts. Renewables would make up just over half of Australia's energy grid by 2050, with nuclear accounting for just under 40 per cent and the rest a combination of storage and gas, snippets of the plan dropped ahead of its release contend. Labor's plan is to have the grid firmed by just over 80 per cent renewable energy by 2030. This will increase to more than 90 per cent by 2050 with the rest made up of storage and gas. Nuclear energy would provide the "always-on" power to back up renewables and lead to cheaper power bills in the long run, Mr Dutton claimed. But nuclear energy does not offer a good deal for Australia, a report released just ahead of Mr Dutton unveiling his costings found, while postponing coal power station closures would heighten Australia's carbon emissions in the medium term. For the seventh straight year, the found renewable energy sources are the lowest-cost of any new-build electricity-generating technology. Nuclear energy generation would be 1.5 to two times more expensive than large-scale solar, according to the analysis by the national science agency CSIRO and the Australian Energy Market Operator. Energy market operators would also need to establish new connection points to safely supply the national electricity grid, experts have said. The coalition's plan was modelled by Frontier Economics, which cost Labor's transition around $600 billion. Energy Minister Chris Bowen has rubbished this number, saying the government's plan would cost $122 billion, citing a forecast made by the national energy grid operator. "They're making it up as they go along," Mr Bowen told ABC TV of the coalition's costings on Friday. Mr Bowen said preliminary reports of the coalition's plan ahead of Friday's full announcement that nuclear would need fewer transmission lines - therefore bringing down the estimated cost - was incorrect. "I'm not sure how they'll get the nuclear power into the grid, maybe by carrier pigeon if they're going to assert if somehow you'll need less transmission," he said. "They have had to make some very heroic assumptions here and they have had to really stretch the truth to try to get some very dodgy figures." Keeping coal-fired power plants open beyond their lifespan was a threat to energy reliability, with outages and breakdowns happening on a daily basis, Mr Bowen said. "It's a recipe for blackouts to keep ageing coal-fired power stations in the grid for longer," he said. The coalition is pushing for an end to Australia's nuclear ban but has faced opposition from states. Nuclear power doesn't stack up for Australian families or businesses, Fortescue chairman Andrew Forrest said on Friday. "As our national science agency has shown, 'firmed' solar and wind are the cheapest new electricity options for all Australians," he said in a statement. "The cost of electricity generated on a grid dominated by firmed renewable energy in 2030 will be half what you would have to pay if it came from nuclear, CSIRO found." Mr Forrest, who is a big player in the non-fossil fuels energy market, said that without continued action on "low-cost, high-efficiency renewable energy" Australians will be left with "pricier power and crumbling coal stations". "We must never forget - Australia has the best renewable resources in the world," he added. "Seizing these Australian opportunities must be our shared national goal." DAILY Today's top stories curated by our news team. WEEKDAYS Grab a quick bite of today's latest news from around the region and the nation. WEEKLY The latest news, results & expert analysis. WEEKDAYS Catch up on the news of the day and unwind with great reading for your evening. WEEKLY Get the editor's insights: what's happening & why it matters. WEEKLY Love footy? We've got all the action covered. WEEKLY Every Saturday and Tuesday, explore destinations deals, tips & travel writing to transport you around the globe. WEEKLY Going out or staying in? Find out what's on. WEEKDAYS Sharp. Close to the ground. Digging deep. Your weekday morning newsletter on national affairs, politics and more. TWICE WEEKLY Your essential national news digest: all the big issues on Wednesday and great reading every Saturday. WEEKLY Get news, reviews and expert insights every Thursday from CarExpert, ACM's exclusive motoring partner. TWICE WEEKLY Get real, Australia! Let the ACM network's editors and journalists bring you news and views from all over. AS IT HAPPENS Be the first to know when news breaks. DAILY Your digital replica of Today's Paper. Ready to read from 5am! DAILY Test your skills with interactive crosswords, sudoku & trivia. Fresh daily! Advertisement AdvertisementNEW YORK (AP) — Kaapo Kaako scored a power-play goal with 24 seconds left, and the New York Rangers stopped a five-game slide by topping the Montreal Canadiens 4-3 on Saturday. Artemi Panarin, Vincent Trocheck and Mika Zibanejad also scored for the Rangers, who got their first win since a 4-3 victory at Vancouver on Nov. 19. Adam Fox had two assists, and Jonathan Quick made 25 saves. With Montreal’s Kirby Dach serving a four-minute, high-sticking penalty, Kaako got his fourth goal of the season. The Canadiens trailed 3-1 after two periods. But Cole Caufield scored his 14th goal 4:16 into the third and Nick Suzuki tied it at 14:07. Trocheck tipped the puck past Montreal goaltender Sam Montembeault at 19:56 to put New York ahead after Panarin and Montreal’s Mike Matheson scored earlier in the first. Panarin put the Rangers ahead at 9:02, scoring on a 5-on-3 for New York’s first power-play goal since Nov. 12 at home against Winnipeg. Matheson tied it at 11:47. Montembault made 24 saves for Montreal. Takeaways Canadiens: dropped to 3-7-1 on the road. Rangers: Forwards Chris Kreider and Filip Chytil returned to the lineup. Kreider missed three games with an upper-body injury while Chytil was out for seven after colliding with teammate K’Andre Miller on Nov. 14. Reilly Smith and Jonny Brodzinski were scratched. Key moment Seeking an early spark, New York captain Jacob Trouba fought Montreal’s Josh Anderson 1:58 into the contest. It appeared to give the Rangers a collective jolt that was missing in recent games. Key stat The Rangers are 11-1-0 when scoring first. It was the 1,700th home win in franchise history. Up next The Canadiens visit the Boston Bruins on Sunday. The Rangers host the New Jersey Devils on Monday. ___ AP NHL: Allan Kreda, The Associated Press

    Star arrested days after sudden TV firingKyKy Tandy, FAU close out Oklahoma State in Charleston

    JERUSALEM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov 21, 2024-- Mobileye today published an updated press kit featuring new multimedia assets highlighting the company’s core technologies, autonomous solutions and global presence. The updated Mobileye Press Kit includes high-resolution photos, infographics and b-roll footage that provide a comprehensive look at Mobileye’s advanced portfolio and operations. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: Mobileye's purpose-built EyeQ family of SoCs supports a full spectrum of its mobility solutions, from front-camera driver-assist systems to multi-sensor processing for full self-driving. (Photo: Mobileye) Key Visuals Include: The new visuals showcase Mobileye’s leadership in autonomous driving technology, including the integration of its solutions in both production vehicles and self-driving test fleets, demonstrating real-world impact across multiple regions. ___________________________________ Mobileye leads the evolution of mobility with our autonomous driving and driver-assistance technologies, based on world-renowned expertise in artificial intelligence, computer vision, mapping, and integrated hardware and software. Since our founding in 1999, Mobileye has enabled the wide adoption of advanced driver-assistance systems while pioneering groundbreaking technologies such as REMTM crowdsourced mapping, True RedundancyTM sensing, Responsibility-Sensitive SafetyTM (RSSTM) driving policy and Driving Experience Platform (DXP). These technologies support a product portfolio structured for scale and designed to unlock the full potential of mobility, offering a range of solutions from premium ADAS to autonomous vehicles. By the end of 2023, about 190 million vehicles worldwide have been equipped with Mobileye technology. In 2022, Mobileye listed as an independent company separate from Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), which retains majority ownership. For more information, visit . “Mobileye,” the Mobileye logo and Mobileye product names are registered trademarks of Mobileye Global. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. View source version on : Media KEYWORD: UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST INDUSTRY KEYWORD: VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY OTHER TECHNOLOGY AUDIO/VIDEO AUTONOMOUS DRIVING/VEHICLES SOURCE: Mobileye Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 11/21/2024 05:51 PM/DISC: 11/21/2024 05:50 PM reacted positively on Wednesday to news that the provincial government is considering allowing nurse practitioners to oversee medical care at long term care homes, in the absence of a physician. “It is a welcome idea, to be able to have nurse practitioners in their homes,” said Elaine Shantz, the CEO of Craigholme Long-Term Care Home in Ailsa Craig. “We know that when we are providing care for seniors, a nurse practitioner is able to provide that care – and it adds to the medical resources of our team, and also allows us to have someone, a medical professional onsite,” she added. Nurse practitioners were allowed to fill the role of medical director during the pandemic, and now that change would be permanent under a proposal by Long-Term Care Minister Natalia Kusendova-Bashta. Lambton Kent Middlesex PC MPP Steve Pinsonneault says the move is to help with the doctor shortage. “There is a doctor shortage. They are going to fill that gap. And honestly, they’re doing it now. We’re already setting up facilities where they’re in there. They’re taking on patients,” said Pinsonneault. Both Pinsonnealt and Shantz spoke with CTV News at the ground-breaking for redevelopment of Craigholme LTC. Construction is underway to add 13 new and 83 redeveloped long term care beds. A crowd gathered for ground-breaking announcement at Craigholme Long Term Care Home in Ailsa Craig, Dec. 11, 2024 (Bryan Bicknell/CTV News London) “We will be building a beautiful, new 96 bed home. It will feature three home areas, modern administration space, and nursing stations, and a variety of program and service areas,” said Craigholme Board Chair Jennifer Gillies. North Middlesex Mayor Brian Ropp said it’s important for seniors from the community to be able to stay close to home when they move into long term care. “This is a part of the fabric of this community, this facility. And there’s many that a lot of us have known that have moved in here,” he explained. “Locally, people will be able to spend the rest of their lives in a long term care home that is in their community,” added Shantz The $38 million project was funded in part with a grant of more than $7 million from the provincial government. Construction is expected to be complete in early 2027. Shopping Trends The Shopping Trends team is independent of the journalists at CTV News. We may earn a commission when you use our links to shop. Read about us. 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SaskPower bills to rise an average of 2.9% in 2025 due to carbon tax rate increase Residents in Saskatchewan will see a slight increase in their power bills come the new year, as the federal price on carbon is set rise. Saskatoon Cold weather in Saskatchewan spurs furnace breakdowns, carbon monoxide concerns The return of bitterly cold temperatures has first responders and HVAC technicians on stand-by, ready to respond to emergencies. Sask. hockey coach convicted of historic sex crime back on day parole after 'behavioural concerns' A former WHL coach found guilty last year of sexually assaulting a teen boy is back on day parole. 'Unfortunate coincidence': Two Saskatoon power outages not related, city says The city's two major power outages within a week were caused by different reasons, according to Saskatoon Light & Power (SL&P). 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    YouTube reveals truth about claims Luigi Mangione posted video saying new details will come 'TODAY' READ MORE: Luigi Mangione's arrest triggers NYPD warning of 'copy-cat' Follow all the latest news and updates in the manhunt for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's killer By STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 17:32 EST, 11 December 2024 | Updated: 17:32 EST, 11 December 2024 e-mail 3 View comments YouTube has revealed the truth about a cryptic video supposedly posted by Luigi Mangione shortly after his arrest on Monday. Mangione, 26, charged with the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, was apprehended at a McDonald's in Altoona, Pennsylvania amid a six-day manhunt . The one minute, 24 second clip titled 'The Truth' was shared to an account with Mangione's picture as the profile and featured a countdown with text that reads: 'If you see this, I'm already arrested.' Once the clock hits zero, the screen goes black and the word 'Soon...' appears in the bottom right corner and 'Dec 11' flashes on the screen, which is followed by 'All is scheduled, be patient. Bye for now.' The video has sparked hysteria online , with people thinking Mangione scheduled the video or he had an accomplice . Sarah Colvin-Rowley with YouTube told 'We terminated the channel in question for violating our policies covering impersonation, which prohibit content intended to impersonate another person on YouTube.' The 1:24 clip titled 'The Truth' was shared to an account with Mangione's picture as the profile and featured a countdown with text that reads: 'If you see this, I'm already arrested' Mangione, 26, charged with the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, was apprehended at a McDonald's in Altoona, Pennsylvania amid a six-day manhunt 'The channel’s metadata was updated following widespread reporting of Luigi Mangione’s arrest, including updates made to the channel name and handle.' She continued to explain that YouTube terminated three other channels owned by Mangione per guidelines that state 'creators are expected to act appropriately and not harm the YouTube community, users, employees or ecosystem.' The account, @PepMangione, ' was allegedly created in January 2024, and was dormant for nearly one year. The handle also matched other social media accounts belonged to Mangione, leading the public to believe that something sinister was at play. The video was reposted to TikTok where one user said: 'This dude is a Master of Science in Engineering. Something big is coming.' 'I think he thought this through, so he's most likely already got people to help him by recreating accounts for him possibly to guarantee his message to get to the public,' another TikToker shared. Mangione, 26, appeared in court on Tuesday, fighting against extradition to New York - where he is charged with second-degree murder after Thompson was slain. The former Ivy League student was found with a 3D-printed pistol and black silencer, as well as a manifesto condemning the American healthcare system when he was apprehended. In the manifesto, Mangione allegedly wrote about the grandiose size of UnitedHealthcare and how much profits it makes and went on to condemn health insurance companies more broadly for placing profits over care. Once the clock hits zero, the screen goes black and the word 'Soon...' appears in the bottom right corner and 'Dec 11' flashes on the screen, which is followed by 'All is scheduled, be patient. Bye for now Read More Firearms expert reveals dark secrets about Luigi Mangione's 3D-printed 'ghost gun' Details about his writing come amid the backdrop of the UPenn graduate's own experience with the medical world, as he had been struggling after a spinal injury. His elaborate online presence also showed he'd read multiple books on back pain. 'To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, [and] a lot of patience,' he allegedly wrote in the manifesto, according to the Daily Beast. He continued to say he had 'respect' for federal investigators, and apologized for causing any 'traumas,' but seemed to defend his alleged actions. 'Frankly these parasites had it coming,' the manifesto wrote. It claimed that the US had the 'most expensive healthcare system in the world ,' but blasted the system for making America only the 42nd in life expectancy. Mangione, 26, appeared in court on Tuesday, fighting against extradition to New York - where he is charged with second-degree murder after Thompson was slain. He was arrested at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania (pictured) One theory is that the former valedictorian killed Thompson as an 'act of war' after the company 'violated' its contract with his mother who suffered years of excruciating pain and expense following a diagnosis of severe neuropathy. Mangione had written in another document, obtained by true crime podcast Hidden True Crime, that his mother, 'hit her $6,000 deductible of her UnitedHealthcare plan in October . Then the doctor went on vacation and my mother couldn't resume tests until January when her deductible reset.' 'Back then I thought there was nothing I could do,' Mangione allegedly wrote. 'The high co-pays make consistent treatment impossible, new treatments were denied as not necessary medically, the old treatments didn't work and still put us out for thousands of dollars.' 'With every delay, my anger surged. With every denial, I wanted to throw the doctor through the glass wall of their hospital waiting room, but it wasn't them. 'It wasn't the doctors, the receptionists, administrators, pharmacists, imaging technicians or anyone we ever met. What it was it was UnitedHealthcare.' In Mangione's alleged summary, UnitedHealthcare, 'think because [their conduct] is legal no-one can punish them.' Mangione is expected to plead not guilty to both his New York murder charge and gun possession charges in Pennsylvania. YouTube Brian Thompson Luigi Mangione Share or comment on this article: YouTube reveals truth about claims Luigi Mangione posted video saying new details will come 'TODAY' e-mail Add comment

    The mere fact that 72-year-old Bill Belichick is taking over the North Carolina football program is just the latest reminder that anything’s possible in sports — especially when Belichick is involved. Remember, this is a man who in 1997 was introduced at a news conference as the make-pretend “head coach” of the New York Jets , with Bill Parcells ticketed to come aboard as a “consultant.” It was all a charade, of course, as Parcells was trying to get out of his contract with the New England Patriots . NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue finally stepped in and stopped the insanity; the Jets sent some draft picks to New England, Parcells became their coach, and Belichick joined his staff. Advertisement Three years later, Belichick was named the for-real coach of the Jets and then turned right around and famously wrote out “I resign as HC of the NYJ” on a piece of paper and handed it to club president Steve Gutman. Belichick did look bemused and out of place that day at the Parcells speakerphone news conference at Weeb Ewbank Hall. And, yes, later on, Gutman’s reaction to the scribbled resignation letter was to hint at Belichick’s mental state, as when he said, “We should have some feelings of sorrow and regret for him and his family. He obviously has some inner turmoil.” It had nothing to do with turmoil and everything to do with Belichick wanting to unglue himself from the shadow of Parcells, once and for all. Which he certainly did when he accepted Robert Kraft’s offer to take over the New England program. He coached the Patriots to nine Super Bowls, winning six of them. The lesson here: Never say never when it comes to Bill Belichick. While it’s possible his reason for heading to North Carolina was an outgrowth of having determined that no NFL team will make him an offer to coach its team in 2025 (for now, anyway), what about 2026? Or 2027? GO DEEPER Why Bill Belichick coaching at UNC might be more realistic than you think Here’s Part 1 of a scenario in which it could work: Belichick has a successful season as coach of the Tar Heels in 2025. And “successful” in this case won’t be defined solely by victories, rankings and bowl appearances. It’ll also be defined by whether Belichick illustrates that his administrative skills remain sharp, that being away from coaching for a year hasn’t somehow eroded his Game Day savvy or diminished his energy. Assuming, then, that Chapel Hill Bill runs a smooth shop in 2025, we can then proceed to Part 2 of a scenario in which Belichick returns to the NFL. And here it is: There emerges an owner who determines his team has plenty of talent but has underperformed to a degree that a coaching change needs to be made. Perhaps there’s a feeling the incumbent coach has lost the room, or that there’s disorganization or malaise. Consider, too, the possibility of a human resources issue, such as when the Boston Celtics fired coach Ime Udoka just before training camp in 2022 after it had been determined Udoka was involved in an improper relationship with a female team employee. Advertisement The solution to this crisis for Celtics president of basketball operations Brad Stevens wasn’t to seek out an available veteran coach. Instead, he looked to the second row of his coaching staff and promoted 34-year-old Joe Mazzulla. But I cite the Celtics situation to illustrate that things do happen in the coaching game; when they do, teams need to react. If you’re looking for an example in which an old-timer stepped in to save the day, we give you Jack McKeon, who was 72 when he was named manager of the Florida Marlins on May 11, 2003, after Jeff Torborg was fired. The Marlins were 16-22 and had lost seven of their last eight games. They wound up winning the World Series, making McKeon the oldest manager in the game’s history to take his team all the way. It was even more stunning when 76-year-old Tony La Russa was named manager of the Chicago White Sox in 2021. La Russa didn’t skipper the White Sox to a championship and the experiment ended badly in 2022, but he did get them to the Division Series that first season. (La Russa and Belichick are good friends. The betting here is they’ve been in touch lately.) 💻 @RobGronkowski What does the former Patriots star think about the possibility of Bill Belichick taking the UNC head coaching gig? #NFL #CarolinaFootball — Rich Eisen Show (@RichEisenShow) December 10, 2024 There’s much to admire about Belichick wanting to coach again. It illustrates that he truly loves what he’s been doing all these years, and that lining up a collection of media gigs this season wasn’t enough to scratch that itch. And anyway, working late in life can be a good thing. An article in last week’s Boston Globe Magazine cited a gentleman named Charlie Dellovo, still working at age 88. “My family lives to over 100 years old,” Dellovo told the Globe Magazine. “And my dad said, ‘If you stop working, you die.’” One way or the other, Belichick keeps working. After he was fired by the Patriots, he pivoted to media. Now he’s planning to take over the UNC football program. By outward appearances, he remains vigorous and focused. If the NFL were to call in a year or two, it would put Belichick in a position to win the 14 games he needs to match the late Don Shula’s record 344 total coaching victories. It’s something Jim Gray asked Belichick about on the “Let’s Go” podcast, with the Hoodie replying, “I don’t have any set goals. I’m open to different opportunities going forward and I’ll just evaluate them as they come.” Advertisement We can debate that first part about Belichick not having any set goals. As for the part about being open to different opportunities and how he’ll evaluate them as they come, that’s about as candid as he’s ever been. Still, the nagging issue is time, or lack thereof. If Belichick gets another chance to coach in the NFL, be it by a team facing a rebuild or one that’s considered playoff-ready, he’s still going to be 73 in April. But Belichick doesn’t appear to have attached an expiration date to his coaching career, or even considered one. (Photo: Rich Barnes / Getty Images)Pearl River Announces Cancellation of Shareholders Meeting And Upcoming Change of Auditor

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    NoneNokia Corporation: Repurchase of own shares on 12.12.2024

    ‘A game changer’: RIDE Longmont takes offSrinagar, Nov 22: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Friday said that government jobs cannot resolve the entire employment crisis. “Reality is that we can’t give government jobs to everyone,” the CM said after laying the foundation stone for the upgradation of a hi-tech flower nursery and the development of Bagh-e-Gul-e-Dawood (Chrysanthemum Theme Garden) here in Srinagar. “Unemployment will not end with government jobs in J&K. We will give as much as we can. But until we increase the private sector, we will not be able to treat this disease of unemployment. We hope that big owners will come from abroad and set up factories here, but they will not.” The hi-tech flower nursery and the development of Bagh-e-Gul-e-Dawood projects are being developed at an estimated cost of Rs 4.83 crore and Rs 1.87 crore. The upgraded nursery at the Poloview facility aims to serve not only as a resource centre for plants but also as an education hub. Workshops and training sessions will be conducted to empower growers and citizens with sustainable gardening practices. The Chrysanthemum Theme Garden, to be spread over 100 kanal, is poised to become a major autumn attraction. It will showcase vibrant blooms in shades of yellow, red, pink, and purple, adding charm to Kashmir’s tourism landscape during the traditionally quieter autumn months. CM Omar emphasised the significance of gardens in Kashmir’s heritage and tourism. He said: “The Kashmir valley is renowned worldwide for its breathtaking beauty, and within that charm, our gardens hold a special place. From the time people began visiting Kashmir, they either established gardens or made it a point to visit them. The Mughals, for instance, created iconic gardens like Cheshma Shahi, Nishat, Shalimar, and Harwan. Over time, visitors, even if they saw nothing else, ensured they visited these Mughal Gardens.” The CM highlighted how the introduction of the Tulip Garden transformed Kashmir’s tourist season. “Our tourism season was once limited to two periods: winter, when people came to witness snowfall or in May when visitors explored gardens and other scenic spots. However, with the establishment of the Tulip Garden, this pattern transformed. It extended our tourist season into March and April,” he said. “Today, people of Srinagar know how bustling the area around the Tulip Garden becomes during this time. It’s a challenge even to navigate through the traffic near the garden.” Addressing the need for a similar boost to autumn tourism, CM Omar commended the efforts of the Parks and Gardens Department and Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Kashmir (SKUAST-K). “While the Tulip Garden has had a remarkable impact, a new challenge lies in utilising the ‘off-season’ months of October and November, before snowfall draws tourists to destinations like Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam. To address this, I commend the Parks and Gardens Department and SKUAST-K for their role in introducing Bagh-e-Gul-e-Dawood – the Chrysanthemum Garden,” he said. The CM explained the potential of the Chrysanthemum Garden saying: “The chrysanthemum, a flower that blooms in autumn, has the potential to do for October and November what the Tulip Garden does for March and April. Visitors to this garden will also explore other parts of Kashmir, benefiting the entire ecosystem of tourism – be it Shikarawalas, taxi operators, houseboat owners, or others.” On the sustainability of the initiative, he said, “Importantly, unlike tulips, which require costly bulb imports to maintain the garden, chrysanthemums can be grown locally without external dependence. Our efforts are already underway to develop tulip bulbs locally to reduce imports and even export them in the future. With chrysanthemums, however, we are self-reliant from the start. I hope this initiative will be fully developed and marketed by next year, providing Srinagar with a new tourist destination in the form of the Chrysanthemum Garden.” On the occasion, the CM also spoke about the importance of promoting high-value, low-volume products like essential oils. “Lavender oil, mint oil, and similar products are already being exhibited, alongside cut flowers and contributions from progressive growers,” he said. CM Omar congratulated progressive farmers on their success and pledged government support, saying: “If you face any difficulties, do let us know so we can support you.” He emphasised the need to bolster the private sector to tackle unemployment. “It’s a reality that we cannot provide government jobs to everyone. Addressing unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir requires a shift beyond government employment. While we will create as many government jobs as possible, the solution lies in boosting the private sector. Unless we empower this sector, unemployment cannot be effectively tackled,” the CM said. He said that expecting large-scale foreign investments here (Kashmir) was a challenge. “Instead, we must focus on sectors with strong local foundations, such as agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts, and floriculture,” CM Omar said. “To those already in these fields or those aspiring to enter them, I assure you that our government is committed to supporting you in every possible way. Together, we can strengthen floriculture and allied industries, paving the way for sustainable growth and opportunities.” Advisor to Chief Minister, Nasir Aslam Wani; Member of Legislative Assembly Sheikh Ahsan Ahmad; Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri; Commissioner Secretary Floriculture, Parks and Gardens, Sheikh Fayaz Ahmad; Director Floriculture Kashmir also attended the event. The Chrysanthemum Theme Garden, located within the Botanical Garden in Srinagar, is being developed at Rs 1.87 crore. With its blooms expected to colour late autumn, the garden is set to open to the public in Autumn 2025, marking a new chapter in Kashmir’s tourism story.

    Nokia Corporation Stock Exchange Release 12 December 2024 at 22:30 EET Nokia Corporation: Repurchase of own shares on 12.12.2024 Espoo, Finland – On 12 December 2024 Nokia Corporation (LEI: 549300A0JPRWG1KI7U06) has acquired its own shares (ISIN FI0009000681) as follows: * Rounded to two decimals On 22 November 2024, Nokia announced that its Board of Directors is initiating a share buyback program to offset the dilutive effect of new Nokia shares issued to the shareholders of Infinera Corporation and certain Infinera Corporation share-based incentives. The repurchases in compliance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 (MAR), the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 and under the authorization granted by Nokia’s Annual General Meeting on 3 April 2024 started on 25 November 2024 and end by 31 December 2025 and target to repurchase 150 million shares for a maximum aggregate purchase price of EUR 900 million. Total cost of transactions executed on 12 December 2024 was EUR 3,676,744. After the disclosed transactions, Nokia Corporation holds 213,393,499 treasury shares. Details of transactions are included as an appendix to this announcement. On behalf of Nokia Corporation BofA Securities Europe SA About Nokia At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs. With truly open architectures that seamlessly integrate into any ecosystem, our high-performance networks create new opportunities for monetization and scale. Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today – and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future. Inquiries: Nokia Communications Phone: +358 10 448 4900 Email: Maria Vaismaa, Global Head of External Communications Nokia Investor Relations Phone: +358 40 803 4080 Email: Attachment Daily Report 2024-12-12Shane on you

    On Wednesday at around 6pm, thousands of social media users in parts of the UK reported an outage with Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The social media giant reported that a “technical issue” had left users unable to access its services. DownDetector, a website that monitors social media outages, says the three cities hit worst by the outage were London, Manchester and Glasgow. Other major cities hit hard by the blackout were Cardiff, Nottingham and Birmingham. Thanks for bearing with us! We’re 99% of the way there – just doing some last checks. We apologize to those who’ve been affected by the outage. — Meta (@Meta) December 11, 2024 By around 10pm on Wednesday, DownDetector UK said there had been 23,445 reports of Facebook outages, 11,466 Instagram outages and 18,646 on WhatsApp across Britain. In an update issued at 10.26pm on X, Meta said the problem was now nearly resolved. A spokesperson said: “Thanks for bearing with us! We’re 99% of the way there – just doing some last checks. “We apologise to those who’ve been affected by the outage.” Other parts of the world affected include Europe, Asia, South America and Australia, according to DownTracker. To find out if your area is affected, visit: .